Ciro Immobile - Goals in Serie A

Ciro Immobile   
Born in Torre Annunziata-NAPOLI (Italy), 20-02-1990
Height: 1,85 m
Weight: 80 kg

Season  Team          Div.  App. Goals

2008-09 Juventus       A      1    0
2009-10 Juventus       A      2    0 
2010-11 Siena          B      4    1 
Jan. 11 Grosseto       B     16    1 
2011-12 Pescara        B     37   28 
2012-13 Genoa          A     33    5 
2013-14 Torino         A     33   22 
2014-15 Borussia Dtm.  A     24    3 
2015-16 Sevilla        A      8    2 
Jan. 16 Torino         A     14    5 
2016-17 Lazio          A     36   23 
2017-18 Lazio          A     33   29 
2018-19 Lazio          A     36   15 
2019-20 Lazio          A     37   36  
2020-21 Lazio          A     35   20
2021-22 Lazio          A     31   27
2022-23 Lazio          A     31   12
2023-24 Lazio          A     31    7

Total Serie A               353  201

First match in serie A: 14-03-2009: Juventus-Bologna 4-1
First match in the italian national team: 05-03-2014: Spain-Italy 1-0
First goal in serie A: 26-08-2012: Genoa-Cagliari 2-0
First goal in the italian national team: 04-09-2014: Italy-Netherlands 2-0


About this document

Prepared and maintained by Roberto Di Maggio for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Roberto Di Maggio (
Last updated: 14 Jun 2024

(C) Copyright Roberto Di Maggio and RSSSF 2020/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.