Bermuda 2024/25

Premier Division
Cup Tournaments

Premier Division


 1.North Village Rams     14   9  1  4  35-15  28
 2.Dandy Town Hornets     14   8  2  4  32-16  26
 3.PHC Zebras             14   7  3  4  29-17  24  [C]
 4.Devonshire Colts       14   7  3  4  30-20  24  [P]
 5.Saint George's Colts   13   5  5  3  26-24  20
 6.Paget Lions            13   5  4  4  23-23  19
 7.Devonshire Cougars     14   5  3  6  23-26  18
 8.YMSC Bluebirds         13   4  2  7  17-31  14
 9.Hamilton Parish        14   2  3  9  17-36   9
10.Wolves                 13   2  2  9  17-41   8  [P]

Round 1
[Sep 28]
Dandy Town Hornets       4-1 Wolves                   
[Sep 29]
Devonshire Cougars       1-1 Saint George's Colts     
Paget Lions              2-4 PHC Zebras               
[Sep 30]
Devonshire Colts         4-1 Hamilton Parish          
YMSC Bluebirds           3-1 North Village Rams       

Round 2
[Oct 4]
Devonshire Cougars       1-3 Devonshire Colts         
[Oct 5]
Hamilton Parish          1-4 Paget Lions              
[Oct 6]
YMSC Bluebirds           1-3 Saint George's Colts     
Dandy Town Hornets       0-1 North Village Rams       
PHC Zebras              11-2 Wolves                   

Round 3
[Oct 18]
Wolves                   0-2 YMSC Bluebirds           
[Oct 19]
Saint George's Colts     1-3 North Village Rams       
Paget Lions              1-4 Devonshire Cougars       
[Oct 20]
PHC Zebras               1-0 Hamilton Parish          
Devonshire Colts         0-1 Dandy Town Hornets       

Round 4
[Oct 26]
Hamilton Parish          0-5 North Village Rams       
[Oct 27]
Saint George's Colts     2-2 Paget Lions              
YMSC Bluebirds           2-2 Dandy Town Hornets       
Wolves                   3-3 Devonshire Colts         
Devonshire Cougars       0-2 PHC Zebras               

Round 5
[Nov 2]
Saint George's Colts     1-2 Wolves                   
Devonshire Cougars       1-6 North Village Rams       
[Nov 3]
Devonshire Colts         1-0 PHC Zebras               
Hamilton Parish          2-2 Dandy Town Hornets       
Paget Lions              4-1 YMSC Bluebirds           

Round 6
[Nov 23]	 
Dandy Town Hornets       4-1 Paget Lions              
Devonshire Colts         4-0 YMSC Bluebirds           
[Nov 24]
Hamilton Parish          0-5 Devonshire Cougars       
North Village Rams       3-1 Wolves                   
[Nov 27]
PHC Zebras               0-2 Saint George's Colts     

Round 7
[Nov 30]
Wolves                   1-3 Hamilton Parish          
[Dec 1]
YMSC Bluebirds           0-2 PHC Zebras              
Paget Lions              2-1 North Village Rams       
Saint George's Colts     4-3 Devonshire Colts         
[Jan 28]
Devonshire Cougars       1-4 Dandy Town Hornets       

Round 8
[Dec 7]
Paget Lions              1-2 Wolves                   
North Village Rams       3-0 Devonshire Colts         
[Dec 8]
Dandy Town Hornets       3-0 PHC Zebras               
Saint George's Colts     2-2 Hamilton Parish          
YMSC Bluebirds           1-0 Devonshire Cougars       

Round 9
[Dec 12]
Hamilton Parish          4-1 YMSC Bluebirds           
[Dec 13]
PHC Zebras               1-1 North Village Rams       
[Dec 15]
Devonshire Colts         2-2 Paget Lions              
Wolves                   1-2 Devonshire Cougars       
Dandy Town Hornets       5-1 Saint George's Colts     

Round 10
[Jan 4]
Saint George's Colts     2-2 Devonshire Cougars       
[Jan 5]
PHC Zebras               0-1 Paget Lions              
Hamilton Parish          0-2 Devonshire Colts         
Wolves                   0-2 Dandy Town Hornets       
[Jan 29]
North Village Rams       4-1 YMSC Bluebirds           

Round 11
[Jan 11]
Hamilton Parish          1-2 PHC Zebras               
[Jan 12]
YMSC Bluebirds           2-2 Wolves                   
North Village Rams       2-3 Saint George's Colts     
[Jan 14]
Devonshire Cougars       1-2 Paget Lions              
[Feb 12]
Dandy Town Hornets       1-2 Devonshire Colts         

Round 12
[Jan 18]
Saint George's Colts     4-1 YMSC Bluebirds           
North Village Rams       2-0 Dandy Town Hornets       
[Jan 19]
Paget Lions              1-1 Hamilton Parish          
Devonshire Colts         1-2 Devonshire Cougars       
Wolves                   1-3 PHC Zebras               

Round 13
[Feb 1]
Devonshire Colts         4-1 Wolves                   
Dandy Town Hornets       1-2 YMSC Bluebirds           
[Feb 2]
Paget Lions              0-0 Saint George's Colts     
PHC Zebras               2-2 Devonshire Cougars       
North Village Rams       3-1 Hamilton Parish          

Round 14
[Feb 8]
PHC Zebras               1-1 Devonshire Colts         
Dandy Town Hornets       3-1 Hamilton Parish          
[Feb 9]
North Village Rams       0-1 Devonshire Cougars       
[Feb 19]
Wolves                    -  Saint George's Colts     
YMSC Bluebirds            -  Paget Lions              

Round 15
[Mar 1]
Paget Lions               -  Dandy Town Hornets       
Wolves                    -  North Village Rams       
[Mar 2]
Saint George's Colts      -  PHC Zebras               
YMSC Bluebirds            -  Devonshire Colts         
Devonshire Cougars        -  Hamilton Parish          


 1.North Village Rams     14   9  1  4  35-15  28
 2.Dandy Town Hornets     14   8  2  4  32-16  26
 3.PHC Zebras             14   7  3  4  29-17  24  [C]
 4.Devonshire Colts       14   7  3  4  30-20  24  [P]
 5.Saint George's Colts   13   5  5  3  26-24  20
 6.Paget Lions            13   5  4  4  23-23  19
 7.Devonshire Cougars     14   5  3  6  23-26  18
 8.YMSC Bluebirds         13   4  2  7  17-31  14
 9.Hamilton Parish        14   2  3  9  17-36   9
10.Wolves                 13   2  2  9  17-41   8  [P]

Round 16
[Mar 7]
PHC Zebras                -  YMSC Bluebirds           
[Mar 8]
Devonshire Colts          -  Saint George's Colts     
[Mar 9]
Hamilton Parish           -  Wolves                   
Dandy Town Hornets        -  Devonshire Cougars       
North Village Rams        -  Paget Lions              

Round 17
[Mar 28]
Devonshire Cougars        -  YMSC Bluebirds           
[Mar 29]
Wolves                    -  Paget Lions              
PHC Zebras                -  Dandy Town Hornets       
[Mar 30]
Devonshire Colts          -  North Village Rams       
Hamilton Parish           -  Saint George's Colts     

Round 18 [Apr 6]
North Village Rams        -  PHC Zebras               
Devonshire Cougars        -  Wolves                   
Paget Lions               -  Devonshire Colts         
YMSC Bluebirds            -  Hamilton Parish          
Saint George's Colts      -  Dandy Town Hornets       

Cup Tournaments

FA Challenge Cup 2024/25 | Friendship Trophy 2024/25 | Dudley Eve Trophy 2024 | Shield 2024/25

FA Challenge Cup 2024/25

Preliminary Round
[Oct 13]
X'roads Warriors        12-1 Footy Kings              
Somerset Eagles          1-2 Inter BDA FC             [aet]
Terrace Onions           2-1 Southampton Rangers      [aet]
[Oct 14]
Young Gunz SFC           2-5 Robin Hood               
[Nov 11]
Tuff Dogs                4-0 Vasco                    
St David's               2-0 FC Rhino                 
Somerset Trojans         bye

Intermediate Round [Nov 19]
Robin Hood               1-2 Somerset Trojans         [aet]

Round 1
[Jan 24]
Devonshire Cougars       3-1 Wolves                   
[Jan 25]
St David's               1-0 Tuff Dogs                
Dandy Town Hornets       1-2 Paget Lions              
[Jan 26]
YMSC Bluebirds           4-2 X'roads Warriors         
Hamilton Parish          4-1 Terrace Onions           
Devonshire Colts         0-2 North Village Rams       
Saint George's Colts     7-0 Inter BDA FC             
Somerset Trojans         2-2 PHC Zebras               [aet, 1-4 pen]

Quarterfinals [Feb 14,15]
Saint George's Colts      -  North Village Rams       
St David's                -  Paget Lions              
YMSC Bluebirds            -  Devonshire Cougars       
Hamilton Parish           -  PHC Zebras               

Semifinals [Mar 14-16]

Final [Apr 20]

Friendship Trophy 2024/25

Preliminary Round
[Nov 28]
Devonshire Colts         2-3 North Village Rams       [aet]
[Dec 3]
Devonshire Cougars       1-1 Dandy Town Hornets       [aet, 4-5 pen]

[Dec 20]
Dandy Town Hornets       1-0 Saint George's Colts     
[Dec 21]
PHC Zebras               5-0 Wolves                   
[Dec 22]
North Village Rams       2-0 Paget Lions              
Hamilton Parish          1-0 YMSC Bluebirds           

[Dec 26]
North Village Rams       1-2 PHC Zebras               
[Dec 27]
Hamilton Parish          2-3 Dandy Town Hornets       

Final [Jan 1]
PHC Zebras               1-3 Dandy Town Hornets       

Dudley Eve Trophy 2024 

Semifinals [Oct 30]
YMSC Bluebirds           1-3 Paget Lions              
Devonshire Colts         2-3 Hamilton Parish          

Final [Nov 10]
Paget Lions              1-2 Hamilton Parish          

Shield 2024/25

[Dec 20]
Somerset Eagles          4-4 X'roads Warriors         [aet, 3-2 pen]
[Dec 21]
Southampton Rangers      2-3 Boulevard Blazers        
[Dec 22]
Vasco                    2-4 Somerset Trojans         [aet]
St David's               0-2 Robin Hood               

[Dec 26]
Boulevard Blazers        7-1 Somerset Eagles          
[Dec 27]
Robin Hood               0-1 Somerset Trojans         

Final [Jan 1]
Boulevard Blazers        2-1 Somerset Trojans         


list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 13 Feb 2025

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2024/25
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.