Sierra Leone 2023/24

Premier League 2023/24
FA Cup 2024
Ernest Bai Koroma Trophy 2023

Premier League 2023/24


 1.Bo Rangers           34  23  7  4  56-19  76  [C]  Champions
 2.Bhantal              34  17 10  7  33-20  61  [P]
 3.FC Kallon            34  17  9  8  45-24  60
 4.Wusum Stars          34  15  9 10  39-24  54
 5.Ports Authority      34  13 13  8  40-34  52
 6.East End Lions       34  12 15  7  38-25  51
 7.Old Edwardians       34  11 15  8  34-25  48
 8.Luawa                34  12 10 12  32-39  46
 9.Wilberforce Strikers 33  11 12 10  29-24  45
10.Freetonians SLIFA    34  11 12 11  31-32  45
11.Mighty Blackpool     34  12  9 13  29-33  45
12.Diamond Stars        34  12  9 13  27-32  45
13.Bai Bureh Warriors   34  11 10 13  26-27  43
14.Lamboi               34  10  9 15  28-37  39
15.Real Republicans     34   7 11 16  31-53  32
16.Freetown City        33   6 13 14  21-34  31
17.Kholifa Stars        33   6  6 21  22-44  24  [P]  Relegated
18.Kahunla Rangers      33   6  5 22  18-53  23  [P]  Relegated

Round 1
[Nov 3]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-0 Diamond Stars                
Real Republicans             0-1 Luawa                        
[Dec 2]
Bai Bureh Warriors           2-1 Kholifa Stars                
Wusum Stars                  0-0 Old Edwardians               
FC Kallon                    1-1 Ports Authority              
Kahunla Rangers              1-0 Freetown City                
[Dec 3]
Bo Rangers                   1-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bhantal                      1-1 East End Lions               
Lamboi                       2-0 Mighty Blackpool             

Round 2
[Nov 12]
Ports Authority              2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Lamboi                       2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Bo Rangers                   
Diamond Stars                0-0 Bhantal                      
East End Lions               1-1 Wusum Stars                  
Wilberforce Strikers         awd FC Kallon                    [awarded 0-2; abandoned at 1-1
[Nov 13]                                                       in 72' due to pitch invasion]
Mighty Blackpool             1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Real Republicans             3-3 Freetown City                
[Nov 14]
Old Edwardians               1-1 Luawa                        

Round 3
[Nov 17]
Real Republicans             0-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Wilberforce Strikers         1-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Ports Authority              1-3 Bo Rangers                   
[Nov 18]
Luawa                        1-2 Wusum Stars                  
Old Edwardians               1-1 Bhantal                      
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Diamond Stars                2-2 Lamboi                       
[Nov 20]
Freetown City                0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Nov 21]
East End Lions               1-1 Freetonians SLIFA            

Round 4
[Nov 24]
Bhantal                      1-0 Luawa                        
[Nov 25]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-2 Old Edwardians               
Bo Rangers                   0-0 Freetown City                
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-0 Ports Authority              
Mighty Blackpool             1-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Real Republicans             
[Nov 28]
Kholifa Stars                2-1 Diamond Stars                
FC Kallon                    2-1 Kahunla Rangers              
[Nov 30]
Lamboi                       0-0 East End Lions               

Round 5
[Dec 5]
Luawa                        1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Freetown City                0-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Dec 6]
Ports Authority              2-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Wusum Stars                  0-1 Bhantal                      
Wilberforce Strikers         2-0 Diamond Stars                
Kahunla Rangers              0-3 Bo Rangers                   
East End Lions               3-1 Kholifa Stars                
[Dec 7]
Real Republicans             0-2 FC Kallon                    
Old Edwardians               0-0 Lamboi                       

Round 6
[Dec 9]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-0 Wusum Stars                  
Mighty Blackpool             1-2 Freetown City                
[Dec 10]
Lamboi                       0-1 Luawa                        
Kholifa Stars                2-1 Old Edwardians               
Diamond Stars                2-1 Ports Authority              
Bo Rangers                   2-0 FC Kallon                    
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-1 Kahunla Rangers              
[Dec 11]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-0 East End Lions               
[Dec 12]
Bhantal                      3-0 Real Republicans             

Round 7
[Dec 16]
Real Republicans             2-3 Bo Rangers                   
Wusum Stars                  1-0 Lamboi                       
Old Edwardians               0-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Dec 17]
Kahunla Rangers              0-0 Mighty Blackpool             
FC Kallon                    1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Luawa                        1-0 Kholifa Stars                
Bhantal                      0-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Dec 18]
Freetown City                1-0 Diamond Stars                
[Dec 19]
Ports Authority              1-0 East End Lions               

Round 8
[Dec 22]
Freetonians SLIFA            0-1 Real Republicans             
[Dec 23]
Ports Authority              1-1 Old Edwardians               
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-0 Bo Rangers                   
Lamboi                       0-1 Bhantal                      
Kholifa Stars                1-0 Wusum Stars                  
Wilberforce Strikers         0-2 Luawa                        
Mighty Blackpool             0-3 FC Kallon                    
[Dec 24]
Diamond Stars                1-0 Kahunla Rangers              
East End Lions               1-2 Freetown City                

Round 9
[Dec 29]
Real Republicans             1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Dec 30]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-0 Lamboi                       
Bo Rangers                   3-0 Mighty Blackpool             
Bhantal                      1-0 Kholifa Stars                
Wusum Stars                  2-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Dec 31]
Luawa                        1-1 Ports Authority              
Freetown City                1-0 Old Edwardians               
Kahunla Rangers              awd East End Lions               [awarded 0-2; originally 1-0;
[Jan 1]                                                        Kahunla fielded ineligible player]
FC Kallon                    1-0 Diamond Stars                

Round 10
[Jan 5]
Freetown City                0-0 Luawa                        
[Jan 6]
Ports Authority              0-1 Wusum Stars                  
Mighty Blackpool             1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Kholifa Stars                0-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Jan 7]
Old Edwardians               3-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Wilberforce Strikers         0-0 Bhantal                      
Lamboi                       1-0 Real Republicans             
[Jan 8]
East End Lions               0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Feb 4]
Diamond Stars                0-1 Bo Rangers                   

Round 11
[Jan 12]
Freetonians SLIFA            2-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Jan 13]
Lamboi                       1-0 Kholifa Stars                
Real Republicans             1-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-0 Diamond Stars                
Wusum Stars                  0-1 Freetown City                
[Jan 14]
Kahunla Rangers              3-0 Luawa                        
Bhantal                      1-2 Ports Authority              
Old Edwardians               0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Jan 28]
Bo Rangers                   0-1 East End Lions               

Round 12
[Jan 17]
Diamond Stars                1-0 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              0-0 Wusum Stars                  
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Real Republicans             
Luawa                        1-0 FC Kallon                    
Old Edwardians               1-1 Bo Rangers                   
Ports Authority              1-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
Wilberforce Strikers         1-0 Lamboi                       
[Jan 18]
East End Lions               2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Freetown City                0-0 Bhantal                      

Round 13
[Jan 20]
Kholifa Stars                0-2 Wilberforce Strikers         
Lamboi                       1-0 Ports Authority              
Bo Rangers                   3-1 Luawa                        
[Jan 21]
FC Kallon                    1-0 Wusum Stars                  
Freetonians SLIFA            1-1 Freetown City                
[Jan 22]
Real Republicans             0-1 Diamond Stars                
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-0 Old Edwardians               
Bhantal                      3-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[Jan 24]
Mighty Blackpool             1-1 East End Lions               

Round 14
[Jan 24]
Wusum Stars                  1-2 Bo Rangers                   
[Jan 26]
Wilberforce Strikers         1-0 Real Republicans             
[Jan 27]
Old Edwardians               2-0 Mighty Blackpool             
[Jan 28]
Kahunla Rangers              0-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
FC Kallon                    0-1 Bhantal                      
Ports Authority              0-3 Kholifa Stars                
Luawa                        0-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Jan 29]
Freetown City                0-0 Lamboi                       
[Feb 14]
East End Lions               2-0 Diamond Stars                

Round 15
[Feb 4]
Real Republicans             2-2 East End Lions               
Lamboi                       2-1 Kahunla Rangers              
Kholifa Stars                0-0 Freetown City                
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-1 Wusum Stars                  
[Feb 5]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-1 Ports Authority              
Freetonians SLIFA            0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Feb 6]
Mighty Blackpool             0-2 Luawa                        
[Feb 28]
Diamond Stars                0-1 Old Edwardians               
[Mar 2]
Bo Rangers                   2-0 Bhantal                      

Round 16
[Feb 10]
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Mighty Blackpool             
[Feb 11]
Bhantal                      3-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Old Edwardians               0-0 East End Lions               
FC Kallon                    2-1 Lamboi                       
Bo Rangers                   2-2 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Feb 12]
Freetown City                1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Kahunla Rangers              4-0 Kholifa Stars                
[Feb 13]
Ports Authority              2-2 Real Republicans             
[Feb 21]
Luawa                        2-0 Diamond Stars                

Round 17
[Feb 17]
Lamboi                       0-0 Bo Rangers                   
Wilberforce Strikers         2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[Feb 18]
East End Lions               2-0 Luawa                        
Kholifa Stars                0-1 FC Kallon                    
Diamond Stars                1-1 Wusum Stars                  
Real Republicans             1-1 Old Edwardians               
Ports Authority              0-0 Freetown City                
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Feb 27]
Mighty Blackpool             0-0 Bhantal                      

Halfway Table:

 1.Bo Rangers           17  11  4  2  27-10  37  [C]
 2.FC Kallon            17   9  5  3  16- 7  32
 3.Bhantal              17   8  7  2  17- 6  31  [P]
 4.Luawa                17   8  4  5  15-13  28
 5.East End Lions       17   6  9  2  19-10  27
 6.Freetown City        17   5 11  1  12- 8  26
 7.Old Edwardians       17   4 11  2  14- 9  23
 8.Wusum Stars          17   6  5  6  14-12  23
 9.Lamboi               17   6  5  6  12-10  23
10.Freetonians SLIFA    17   5  7  5  12-11  22
11.Ports Authority      17   5  7  5  16-18  22
12.Wilberforce Strikers 17   5  5  7  11-13  20
13.Diamond Stars        17   4  4  9   9-17  16
14.Bai Bureh Warriors   17   3  7  7   6-14  16
15.Mighty Blackpool     17   4  4  9   8-21  16
16.Real Republicans     17   3  6  8  14-23  15
17.Kahunla Rangers      17   4  3 10  11-21  15  [P]
18.Kholifa Stars        17   4  2 11  10-20  14  [P]

Round 18
[Mar 15]
East End Lions               1-2 Bhantal                      
[Mar 16]
Luawa                        1-1 Real Republicans             
Ports Authority              0-5 FC Kallon                    
Kholifa Stars                0-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Mar 17]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-0 Bo Rangers                   
Diamond Stars                3-2 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Mar 18]
Freetown City                0-1 Kahunla Rangers              
[Mar 19]
Mighty Blackpool             0-2 Lamboi                       
[Mar 20]
Old Edwardians               3-2 Wusum Stars                  

Round 19
[Mar 22]
Freetown City                1-2 Real Republicans             
[Mar 23]
Bai Bureh Warriors           awd Lamboi                       [awarded 2-0; abandoned at 0-0 due
[Mar 24]                                                       to a dispute on whether a penalty
Wusum Stars                  0-2 East End Lions                should be retaken]
Bhantal                      2-1 Diamond Stars                
[Mar 25]
FC Kallon                    1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Apr 7]
Bo Rangers                   3-0 Kholifa Stars                
[May 17]
Luawa                        2-1 Old Edwardians               
[May 23]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-3 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              0-3 Ports Authority              

Round 20
[Mar 30]
FC Kallon                    2-0 Freetown City                
[Mar 31]
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Luawa                        
Bai Bureh Warriors           awd Wilberforce Strikers         [awarded 0-2; originally 1-1;
Kahunla Rangers              1-1 Real Republicans              award may have been revoked
Bhantal                      0-2 Old Edwardians                in July]
[Apr 1]
Freetonians SLIFA           ´1-1 East End Lions               
[Apr 2]
Mighty Blackpool             2-1 Kholifa Stars               
[Apr 4]
Lamboi                       1-1 Diamond Stars                
[May 11]
Bo Rangers                   2-1 Ports Authority              

Round 21
[Apr 3]
Freetown City                1-2 Bo Rangers                   
[Apr 5]
Old Edwardians               0-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Apr 6]
Wilberforce Strikers         1-2 Mighty Blackpool             
[Apr 7]
Kahunla Rangers              0-2 FC Kallon                    
East End Lions               4-1 Lamboi                       
[Apr 9]
Luawa                        1-1 Bhantal                      
[Apr 11]
Diamond Stars                1-1 Kholifa Stars                
Real Republicans             1-1 Wusum Stars                  
[Jun 7]
Ports Authority              1-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           

Round 22
[Apr 10]
Bo Rangers                   2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[Apr 13]
Freetonians SLIFA            1-1 Luawa                        
Lamboi                       0-1 Old Edwardians               
[Apr 14]
Kholifa Stars                1-1 East End Lions               
FC Kallon                    2-1 Real Republicans             
Diamond Stars                1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bai Bureh Warriors           awd Freetown City                [awarded 2-0; originally 0-0;
[Apr 15]                                                       award may have been revoked
Bhantal                      0-2 Wusum Stars                   in July]
[Apr 16]
Mighty Blackpool             0-0 Ports Authority              

Round 23
[Apr 18]
Real Republicans             0-1 Bhantal                      
[Apr 21]
Kahunla Rangers              2-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Old Edwardians               0-0 Kholifa Stars                
Freetown City                abd Mighty Blackpool             [abandoned at 0-1 in 54' due
[Apr 22]                                                       to power cut]
Freetown City                0-1 Mighty Blackpool             [remaining 36']
Luawa                        1-3 Lamboi                       
[Apr 23]
Ports Authority              0-0 Diamond Stars                
[Apr 24]
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
East End Lions               0-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Apr 28]
FC Kallon                    0-1 Bo Rangers                   

Round 24
[Apr 24]
Bo Rangers                   5-0 Real Republicans             
[Apr 27]
East End Lions               1-1 Ports Authority              
[Apr 28]
Lamboi                       1-2 Wusum Stars                  
Diamond Stars                1-0 Freetown City                
[Apr 29]
Freetonians SLIFA            0-0 Bhantal                      
Kholifa Stars                4-0 Luawa                        
[Apr 30]
Mighty Blackpool             5-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[May 1]
Wilberforce Strikers         0-2 Old Edwardians               
[May 2]
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-2 FC Kallon                    

Round 25
[May 3]
Bhantal                      1-0 Lamboi                       
Wusum Stars                  3-0 Kholifa Stars                
[May 5]
FC Kallon                    0-0 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              1-2 Diamond Stars                
[May 6]
Real Republicans             0-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
[May 7]
Old Edwardians               0-0 Ports Authority              
[May 8]
Luawa                        0-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bo Rangers                   1-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[May 9]
Freetown City                0-0 East End Lions               

Round 26
[May 11]
Lamboi                       1-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Kholifa Stars                0-1 Bhantal                      
Wilberforce Strikers         2-0 Wusum Stars                  
[May 12]
Bai Bureh Warriors           2-0 Real Republicans             
East End Lions               awd Kahunla Rangers              [awarded 2-0, Kahunla dns]
Diamond Stars                2-1 FC Kallon                    
[May 13]
Old Edwardians               4-1 Freetown City                
[May 15]
Mighty Blackpool             0-1 Bo Rangers                   
[May 31]
Ports Authority              2-2 Luawa                        

Round 27
[May 17]
Bhantal                      0-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[May 18]
Bai Bureh Warriors           0-1 Mighty Blackpool             
FC Kallon                    2-3 East End Lions               
Wusum Stars                  1-0 Ports Authority              
Real Republicans             1-1 Lamboi                       
[May 19]
Freetonians SLIFA            2-0 Kholifa Stars                
Bo Rangers                   1-0 Diamond Stars             
[May 20]
Kahunla Rangers              1-2 Old Edwardians                  
[May 22]
Luawa                        2-0 Freetown City                

Round 28
[May 25]
East End Lions               0-1 Bo Rangers                   
Kholifa Stars                3-1 Lamboi                       
Freetown City                0-0 Wusum Stars                  
[May 26]
Diamond Stars                0-1 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Wilberforce Strikers         1-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
Mighty Blackpool             3-1 Real Republicans             
[May 27]
Luawa                        2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
[May 28]
Ports Authority              3-1 Bhantal                      
[May 29]
FC Kallon                    3-4 Old Edwardians               

Round 29
[Jun 1]
Lamboi                       1-1 Wilberforce Strikers         
Bo Rangers                   0-0 Old Edwardians               
Real Republicans             2-1 Kholifa Stars                
[Jun 2]
Mighty Blackpool             0-1 Diamond Stars                
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Kahunla Rangers              
Bhantal                      2-0 Freetown City                
[Jun 3]
FC Kallon                    1-1 Luawa                        
[Jun 4]
Freetonians SLIFA            0-1 Ports Authority              
Bai Bureh Warriors           2-0 East End Lions               

Round 30
[Jun 7]
Wilberforce Strikers         1-0 Kholifa Stars                
[Jun 8]
Freetown City                1-2 Freetonians SLIFA            
Luawa                        2-1 Bo Rangers                   
Wusum Stars                  0-0 FC Kallon                    
[Jun 9]
Diamond Stars                2-0 Real Republicans             
East End Lions               0-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Kahunla Rangers              0-1 Bhantal                      
[Jun 11]
Ports Authority              3-0 Lamboi                       
Old Edwardians               0-2 Bai Bureh Warriors           

Round 31
[Jun 12]
Real Republicans             3-2 Wilberforce Strikers         
Freetonians SLIFA            awd Kahunla Rangers              [awarded 2-0, Kahunla dns]
Diamond Stars                0-0 East End Lions               
Bo Rangers                   2-1 Wusum Stars                  
[Jun 13]
Bhantal                      2-1 FC Kallon                    
[Jun 14]
Kholifa Stars                1-2 Ports Authority              
Lamboi                       2-0 Freetown City                
Mighty Blackpool             0-0 Old Edwardians               
Bai Bureh Warriors           3-0 Luawa                        

Round 32
[Jun 15]
East End Lions               1-1 Real Republicans             
[Jun 17]
Kahunla Rangers              1-1 Lamboi                       
Wusum Stars                  2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
Old Edwardians               0-1 Diamond Stars                
[Jun 18]
Freetown City                3-0 Kholifa Stars                
Luawa                        1-1 Mighty Blackpool             
Ports Authority              0-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Jun 19]
FC Kallon                    4-1 Freetonians SLIFA            
[Jun 20]
Bhantal                      0-1 Bo Rangers                   

Round 33
[Jun 22]
FC Kallon                    awd Kholifa Stars                [awarded 2-0, Kholifa dns]
Wusum Stars                  4-0 Diamond Stars                
[Jun 23]
Kahunla Rangers              0-4 Wilberforce Strikers         
[Jun 24]
Bhantal                      2-1 Mighty Blackpool             
[Jun 25]
Freetown City                2-3 Ports Authority              
Old Edwardians               1-2 Real Republicans             
[Jun 26]
Luawa                        1-2 East End Lions               
Freetonians SLIFA            2-2 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Jun 30]
Bo Rangers                   5-1 Lamboi                       

Round 34
[Jun 23]
Freetonians SLIFA            2-1 Bo Rangers                   
[Jun 26]
Lamboi                       0-1 FC Kallon                    
[Jun 29]
Kholifa Stars                n/p Kahunla Rangers              [presumably both forfeited;
Real Republicans             1-4 Ports Authority               match probably declared void]
Wilberforce Strikers         abd Freetown City                [abandoned at 0-1 in 48' after
Bai Bureh Warriors           1-0 Bhantal                       City fan attacked referee]
[Jun 30]
East End Lions               1-0 Old Edwardians               
Mighty Blackpool             1-1 Wusum Stars                  
Diamond Stars                2-0 Luawa                        


 1.Bo Rangers           34  23  7  4  56-19  76  [C]  Champions
 2.Bhantal              34  17 10  7  33-20  61  [P]
 3.FC Kallon            34  17  9  8  45-24  60
 4.Wusum Stars          34  15  9 10  39-24  54
 5.Ports Authority      34  13 13  8  40-34  52
 6.East End Lions       34  12 15  7  38-25  51
 7.Old Edwardians       34  11 15  8  34-25  48
 8.Luawa                34  12 10 12  32-39  46
 9.Wilberforce Strikers 33  11 12 10  29-24  45
10.Freetonians SLIFA    34  11 12 11  31-32  45
11.Mighty Blackpool     34  12  9 13  29-33  45
12.Diamond Stars        34  12  9 13  27-32  45
13.Bai Bureh Warriors   34  11 10 13  26-27  43
14.Lamboi               34  10  9 15  28-37  39
15.Real Republicans     34   7 11 16  31-53  32
16.Freetown City        33   6 13 14  21-34  31
17.Kholifa Stars        33   6  6 21  22-44  24  [P]  Relegated
18.Kahunla Rangers      33   6  5 22  18-53  23  [P]  Relegated

FA Cup 2024

Regional Qualifiers (14):
Bo:            Ram Kamara
Bonthe:        Path Foundation FC
Kailahun:      Captain Ben Hirsch FC
Kainadugu:     Puna FC
Kambia:        Chico Myers
Karene:        Ashley FC (Kamakwie)
Kenema:        Francess FC 
Kono:          Golden Soccer Academy FC
Makeni:        Bombali Sebora
Moyamba:       Zion FC
Port Loko:     Bullom Stars (Lungi) 
Pujehun:       Gallinese FC
Tonkolili:     Biankoko FC
Western Rural: Waterloo FC

Preliminary Round (between promoted and relegated teams 2022/23 season)
[Jan 24]
Kamboi Eagles                3-0 FC Johansen                  
[Jan 25]
Kahunla Rangers              0-1 East End Tigers              
Bhantal                      0-0 Kholifa Stars                [4-5 pen]

Round 1
[Jan 30]
Francess                     2-0 Bai Bureh Warriors           
[Jan 31]
Captain Ben Hirsch           0-1 Ports Authority              
Old Edwardians               4-3 Bombali Sebora               
Path Foundation              1-2 Mighty Blackpool             
Zion                         1-4 Diamond Stars                
East End Lions               2-0 Biankoko                     
FC Kallon                    7-0 Ashley                       
[Feb 1]
Waterloo                     0-0 Bo Rangers                   [2-4 pen]
Real Republicans             2-0 Lamboi                       
Freetonians SLIFA            3-2 Golden Soccer Academy        
Wusum Stars                  7-1 Gallinese                    
Chico Myers                  drw Freetown City                [2-4 pen]
Wilberforce Strikers         3-0 East End Tigers              
Kamboi Eagles                drw Bullom Stars                 [6-7 pen]
Ram Kamara                   0-1 Kholifa Stars                
[Feb 2]
Luawa                        w/o Puna                         [Puna dns]

1/8 Finals
[Feb 8]
Ports Authority              2-0 Real Republicans             
Old Edwardians               3-0 Freetonians SLIFA            
Bo Rangers                   2-0 Freetown City                
Diamond Stars                1-0 Wilberforce Strikers         
FC Kallon                    2-0 Kholifa Stars                
[Feb 11?]
Francess                     bt  Luawa                        
[Feb 14]
Mighty Blackpool             5-2 Wusum Stars                  
[Feb 21]
East End Lions               3-1 Bullom Stars                 

[Mar 20]
Diamond Stars                awd East End Lions               [awarded to Lions; finished 0-0 and then
[Mar 21]                                                       abandoned at 3-3 in penalty shoot-out
FC Kallon                    3-2 Francess                      due to pitch invasion]
[Mar 23]
Mighty Blackpool             0-1 Bo Rangers                   
Ports Authority              3-3 Old Edwardians               [5-4 pen]

[Apr 19]
Ports Authority              0-1 Bo Rangers                   
[Apr 20]
East End Lions               0-0 FC Kallon                    [4-3 pen]

Final [May 4, Port Loko City Field]
Bo Rangers                   abd East End Lions               [abandoned at 0-0 in 65' due
                                                               to crowd trouble]
Final [tba, SLFA Kingtom playing pitch]
Bo Rangers                    -  East End Lions               [remaining 25']
  [NB: East End Lions have appealed against the decision to finish the match]

Ernest Bai Koroma Trophy 2023

NB: aka Northern Champions League;
    featured 20 teams, 10 each in the Makeni and Magburaka zone

Zone A (Makeni) [all games at Wusum Stadium]

Zonal Round 1
[Oct 21]
Northern Stars               drw Masongbo                     [1-4 pen]
[Oct 24]
Area Best                     -  Palap All Stars
[Oct 25]
Ocean Boys                   bt  Smart FC 
[Oct 26]
Sahid Conteh-U FC            2-1 Sella Stars FC
  [Santigie Kamara 69, Bobson Lamin Kamara 75; Saviour Bangura 54]
[Oct 27]
Urban Stars FC               drw Biriwa Stars FC 

NB: 5 winners and best losers qualify to round 2;
    both Urban Stars and Biriwa Stars qualified

Zonal Round 2

First Leg [Nov 11]
Sahid Conteh-U FC            6-0 Biriwa Stars FC
  [Julius Ngaujah 14, Juldeh Mansaray 36, Bobson L. Kamara 58, 81, 87, Mohamed L. Kamara 93]

Second Leg [Nov 15]
Biriwa Stars FC              awd Sahid Conteh-U FC            [awarded 0-1, Biriwa forfeited]

NB: 3 winners and best losers to semifinal

Zonal Semifinals

First Leg [Nov 27]
Sahid Conteh-U FC            1-1 Urban Stars FC
  [Saidu Kamara 48; Mohamed Kamara 1-1]

Second Leg [Dec 9]
Urban Stars FC               abd Sahid Conteh-U FC            [abandoned at 1-1 in 80' due to
                                                               match disruption by Urban Stars]
Zonal Final [Dec 12, Wusum Stadium]
Ocean Boys FC                2-0 Sahid Conteh-U FC
  [Amadu Conteh 60, Tejan Kella 93]

Zone B (Makeni)

Zonal Final [Dec 16]
Golden Dragons FC            3-1 Hydro Stars

NB: Ocean Boys FC (Makeni) winners Zone 1, Golden Dragons FC (Magbaruka) winners Zone 2

Overall Final [Dec 25, Wusum Stadium]
Ocean Boys FC                 -  Golden Dragons FC


list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Thanks to Ian King and Hans Schöggl

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 9 Jul 2024

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2023/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.