European U-17 Championship 2022/23

Qualified for final tournament: Hungary (hosts)
Byes to Elite round: Netherlands, Spain


Group 1 (in Portugal)
[Nov 16]
Faroe Islands      0-2 Slovenia
Portugal           6-1 Kazakhstan
[Nov 19]
Slovenia           0-0 Kazakhstan
Portugal           3-0 Faroe Islands
[Nov 22]
Kazakhstan         3-0 Faroe Islands
Slovenia           0-2 Portugal

 1.PORTUGAL             3   3  0  0  11- 1   9
 2.SLOVENIA             3   1  1  1   2- 2   4
 3.Kazakhstan           3   1  1  1   4- 6   4 
 4.Faroe Islands        3   0  0  3   0- 8   0 

Group 2 (in Bosnia Herzegovina)  

[Oct 24]
Azerbaijan         2-5 Ukraine
Bosnia Herzegovina 2-0 Liechtenstein
[Oct 27]
Ukraine            7-0 Liechtenstein
Bosnia Herzegovina 1-0 Azerbaijan
[Oct 30]
Liechtenstein      0-8 Azerbaijan
Ukraine            1-1 Bosnia Herzegovina 

 1.UKRAINE              3   2  1  0  13- 3   7
 2.BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA   3   2  1  0   4- 1   7
 3.Azerbaijan           3   1  0  2  10- 6   3 
 4.Liechtenstein        3   0  0  3   0-17   0

Group 3 (in Georgia)

[Oct 25]
England            3-1 Lithuania
Georgia            1-3 Israel
[Oct 28]
Israel             1-1 Lithuania
England            6-2 Georgia
[Oct 31]
Lithuania          0-3 Georgia
Israel             1-1 England

 1.ENGLAND              3   2  1  0  10- 4   7
 2.ISRAEL               3   1  2  0   5- 3   5
 3.Georgia              3   1  0  2   6- 9   3 
 4.Lithuania            3   0  1  2   2- 7   1 

Group 4 (in Malta)

[Oct 19]
Scotland           6-0 Malta
Northern Ireland   1-1 Czech Republic
[Oct 22]
Scotland           3-0 Northern Ireland
Czech Republic     5-0 Malta
[Oct 25]
Czech Republic     5-1 Scotland
Malta              1-2 Northern Ireland 

 1.CZECH REPUBLIC       3   2  1  0  11- 2   7
 2.SCOTLAND             3   2  0  1  10- 5   6
 3.NORTHERN IRELAND     3   1  1  1   3- 5   4
 4.Malta                3   0  0  3   1-13   0

Group 5 (in Poland)
[Oct 20]
Montenegro         2-0 Poland
Austria            2-0 Andorra
[Oct 23]
Poland             6-1 Andorra
Austria            0-1 Montenegro
[Oct 26]
Andorra            1-1 Montenegro
Poland             4-2 Austria 

 1.MONTENEGRO           3   2  1  0   4- 1   7
 2.POLAND               3   2  0  1  10- 5   6
 3.Austria              3   1  0  2   4- 5   3 
 4.Andorra              3   0  1  2   2- 9   1

Group 6 (in Romania)
[Oct 26]
Belgium            4-1 Estonia
Romania            0-3 Denmark
[Oct 29]
Denmark            8-0 Estonia
Belgium            3-0 Romania
[Nov 1]
Estonia            2-4 Romania
Denmark            2-3 Belgium

 1.BELGIUM              3   3  0  0  10- 3   9
 2.DENMARK              3   2  0  1  13- 3   6
 3.Romania              3   1  0  2   4- 8   3 
 4.Estonia              3   0  0  3   3-16   0 

Group 7 (in Croatia) 

[Oct 20]
Sweden             1-3 Albania
Wales              2-0 Croatia
[Oct 23]
Sweden             3-3 Wales
Croatia            1-0 Albania
[Oct 26]
Albania            0-0 Wales
Croatia            2-2 Sweden

 1.WALES                3   1  2  0   5- 3   5
 2.CROATIA              3   1  1  1   3- 4   4
 3.ALBANIA              3   1  1  1   3- 2   4
 4.Sweden               3   0  2  1   6- 8   2
Group 8 (in Kosovo)
[Oct 5]
Finland            2-1 Greece
Italy              5-2 Kosovo
[Oct 8]
Greece             5-0 Kosovo
Italy              4-0 Finland
[Oct 11]
Kosovo             1-1 Finland
Greece             0-2 Italy 

 1.ITALY                3   3  0  0  11- 2   9 
 2.Finland              3   1  1  1   3- 6   4
 3.Greece               3   1  0  2   6- 4   3 
 4.Kosovo               3   0  1  2   3-11   1
Group 9 (in North Macedonia)
[Oct 25]
North Macedonia    0-3 Iceland
France             4-0 Luxembourg
[Oct 28]
Iceland            3-1 Luxembourg
France             4-0 North Macedonia
[Oct 31]
Luxembourg         3-2 North Macedonia
Iceland            0-4 France 

 1.FRANCE               3   3  0  0  12- 0   9
 2.ICELAND              3   2  0  1   6- 5   6
 3.Luxembourg           3   1  0  2   4- 9   3 
 4.North Macedonia      3   0  0  3   2-10   0 

Group 10 (in Norway) 

[Oct 20]
Belarus            0-4 Norway
Ireland            4-0 Armenia
[Oct 23]
Ireland            2-2 Belarus
Norway             7-0 Armenia
[Oct 26]
Armenia            2-5 Belarus
Norway             1-1 Ireland

 1.NORWAY               3   2  1  0  12- 1   7
 2.IRELAND              3   1  2  0   7- 3   5
 3.BELARUS              3   1  1  1   7- 8   4
 4.Armenia              3   0  0  3   2-16   0

Group 11 (in Cyprus)
[Nov 1]
Gibraltar          0-2 Cyprus
[Nov 4]
Serbia            12-0 Gibraltar
[Nov 7]
Cyprus             1-3 Serbia

 1.SERBIA               2   2  0  0  15- 1   6
 2.CYPRUS               2   1  0  1   3- 3   3
 3.Gibraltar            2   0  0  2   0-14   0
 -.Russia banned
Group 12 (in Moldova)
[Oct 19]
Latvia             1-0 Slovakia
Germany            4-0 Moldova
[Oct 22]
Slovakia           1-1 Moldova
Germany            2-0 Latvia
[Oct 25]
Moldova            2-3 Latvia
Slovakia           1-0 Germany
 1.GERMANY              3   2  0  1   6- 1   6
 2.LATVIA               3   2  0  1   4- 4   6
 3.SLOVAKIA             3   1  1  1   2- 2   4
 4.Moldova              3   0  1  2   3- 8   1 

Group 13 (in Bulgaria) 

[Oct 13]
Turkey             5-1 San Marino
Bulgaria           0-2 Switzerland
[Oct 16]
Switzerland        7-0 San Marino
Turkey             3-2 Bulgaria
[Oct 19]
San Marino         0-4 Bulgaria
Switzerland        3-3 Turkey

 1.SWITZERLAND          3   2  1  0  12- 3   7
 2.TURKEY               3   2  1  0  11- 6   7
 3.Bulgaria             3   1  0  2   6- 5   3 
 4.San Marino           3   0  0  3   1-16   0

NB: top-2 of each group qualified for next round;
    in addition the four best 3rd-placed teams, according to results against
    the top-2 of each group, qualified.
Group 1 (in Serbia)
[Mar 22]
Bosnia Herzegovina 1-1 Israel
Serbia             1-2 Belarus
[Mar 25]
Serbia             5-0 Bosnia Herzegovina
Israel             2-2 Belarus
[Mar 28]
Israel             0-3 Serbia
Belarus            1-2 Bosnia Herzegovina

 1.SERBIA               3   2  0  1   9- 2   6 
 2.Bosnia Herzegovina   3   1  1  1   3- 7   4 
 3.Belarus              3   1  1  1   5- 5   4
 4.Israel               3   0  2  1   3- 6   2
Group 2 (in Wales)
[Mar 22]
Montenegro         0-0 Iceland
Scotland           2-4 Wales
[Mar 25]
Montenegro         1-2 Scotland
Wales              1-1 Iceland
[Mar 28]
Wales              2-2 Montenegro
Iceland            0-0 Scotland

 1.WALES                3   1  2  0   7- 5   5
 2.SCOTLAND             3   1  1  1   4- 5   4
 3.Iceland              3   0  3  0   1- 1   3 
 4.Montenegro           3   0  2  1   3- 4   2
Group 3 (in Netherlands)
[Mar 22]
Netherlands        2-1 Northern Ireland
Denmark            1-3 England
[Mar 25]
England            2-0 Northern Ireland
Netherlands        2-2 Denmark
[Mar 28]
England            0-1 Netherlands
Northern Ireland   1-4 Denmark

 1.NETHERLANDS          3   2  1  0   5- 3   7
 2.ENGLAND              3   2  0  1   5- 2   6
 3.Denmark              3   1  1  1   7- 6   4 
 4.Northern Ireland     3   0  0  3   2- 8   0
Group 4 (in Turkey)
[Mar 22]
Spain              2-1 Finland
Turkey             1-2 Germany
[Mar 25]
Germany            7-0 Finland
Spain              0-0 Turkey
[Mar 28]
Finland            1-5 Turkey
Germany            3-4 Spain
 1.SPAIN                3   2  1  0   6- 4   7
 2.GERMANY              3   2  0  1  12- 5   6
 3.Turkey               3   1  1  1   6- 3   4 
 4.Finland              3   0  0  3   2-14   0
Group 5 (in Portugal)
[Mar 22]
Poland             1-0 Czech Republic
Portugal           2-0 Slovakia
[Mar 25]
Czech Republic     3-0 Slovakia
Portugal           1-0 Poland
[Mar 28]
Slovakia           0-5 Poland
Czech Republic     0-2 Portugal
 1.PORTUGAL             3   3  0  0   5- 0   9
 2.POLAND               3   2  0  1   6- 1   6
 3.Czech Republic       3   1  0  2   3- 3   3 
 4.Slovakia             3   0  0  3   0-10   0
Group 6 (in Cyprus)
[Mar 7]
Italy              2-2 Ireland
Cyprus             2-4 Ukraine
[Mar 10]
Italy              2-1 Cyprus
Ukraine            0-3 Ireland
[Mar 13]
Ukraine            0-3 Italy
Ireland            3-2 Cyprus
 1.IRELAND              3   2  1  0   8- 4   7
 2.ITALY                3   2  1  0   7- 3   7
 3.Ukraine              3   1  0  2   4- 8   3 
 4.Cyprus               3   0  0  3   5- 9   0
Group 7 (in Norway)
[Mar 22]
Croatia            0-0 Norway
Belgium            1-1 Slovenia
[Mar 25]
Belgium            0-1 Croatia
Norway             0-1 Slovenia
[Mar 28]
Norway             5-0 Belgium
Slovenia           1-2 Croatia
 1.CROATIA              3   2  1  0   3- 1   7 
 2.SLOVENIA             3   1  1  1   3- 3   4
 3.Norway               3   1  1  1   5- 1   4 
 4.Belgium              3   0  1  2   1- 7   1
Group 8 (in Albania)
[Mar 22]
France             4-0 Albania
Latvia             2-5 Switzerland
[Mar 25]
France             2-1 Latvia
Switzerland        1-1 Albania
[Mar 28]
Albania            1-1 Latvia
Switzerland        1-2 France
 1.FRANCE               3   3  0  0   8- 2   9
 2.SWITZERLAND          3   1  1  1   7- 5   4
 3.Albania              3   0  2  1   2- 6   2 
 4.Latvia               3   0  1  2   4- 8   1 

NB: group winners and the best seven runners up teams, according to results against
    the first and third placed teams of each group, qualified for next round

Hungary, May 17-June 2, 2023
Group A
17 May 2023 Poland              5-1 Ireland            [Budapest]
             [Skoczylas 13, 49, Szala 44, Borys 54, Kadziolka 65; Orazi 5]
17 May 2023 Hungary             3-0 Wales              [Budapest]     
             [Simon 43, Szabo 75, Umathum 81]
20 May 2023 Ireland             3-0 Wales              [Felcsut]
             [Razi 24, Orazi 34, Akachukwu 61]
20 May 2023 Hungary             3-5 Poland             [Felcsut]
             [Varga 55, Simon 70, Molnar 90+4; Skoczylas 8, Sznaucner 34, 
              Huras 52, Tomczyk 76, Borys 80]
23 May 2023 Ireland             4-2 Hungary            [Felcsut]
             [Kehir 5, 61, Melia 24, 31; Grante 10og, Kern 72]
23 May 2023 Wales               3-0 Poland             [Budaors]
             [Biancheri 82, I. Morgan 89, 90+1]

 1.POLAND               3   2  0  1  10- 7   6
 2.IRELAND              3   2  0  1   8- 7   6
 3.Hungary              3   1  0  2   8- 9   3 
 4.Wales                3   1  0  2   3- 6   3
Group B
18 May 2023 Serbia              2-4 Slovenia           [Telki]
             [Cvetkovic 66, Petrovic 82; Pejicic 4, Topalovic 10,
              Jakupovic 34, Hrvatin 52]
18 May 2023 Italy               1-2 Spain              [Budaors]
             [Ragnoli Galli 15; Guiu 53, 75]
21 May 2023 Spain               3-1 Slovenia           [Budapest]
             [Guiu 28, Mesa 45+1, Yamal 50pen; Topalovic 54]
21 May 2023 Serbia              2-0 Italy              [Budapest]
             [Maksimovic 39, Cvetkovic 59]
24 May 2023 Spain               1-1 Serbia             [Budaors]
             [Yamal 78; Maksimovic 68]
24 May 2023 Slovenia            0-3 Italy              [Telki]
             [Mannini 60, 82, De Pieri 87]
 1.SPAIN                3   2  1  0   6- 3   7
 2.SERBIA               3   1  1  1   5- 5   4
 3.Italy                3   1  0  2   4- 4   3 
 4.Slovenia             3   1  0  2   5- 8   3
Group C

17 May 2023 Scotland            1-3 France             [Nagyerdei, Debrecen] 
             [Wilson 71; Issoufou 5, Gadou 45, Ellis 75og]
17 May 2023 Portugal            0-4 Germany            [Nagyerdei, Debrecen]
             [Darvich 32, Kabar 39, Ramsak 59, 90+4]
20 May 2023 Portugal            2-1 Scotland           [DEAC, Debrecen]
             [Tomé 3, Sousa 20; Connolly 88]
20 May 2023 France              1-3 Germany            [Balmazujvaros]
             [Sylla 39; Brunner 56, 63, Ramsak 60]
23 May 2023 France              1-1 Portugal           [Balmazujvaros]
             [Gomis 10; Patricio 41]
23 May 2023 Germany             3-0 Scotland           [DEAC, Debrecen]
             [Darvich 49, Dardai 54, Watjen 90+1]
 1.GERMANY              3   3  0  0  10- 1   9
 2.FRANCE               3   1  1  1   5- 5   4
 3.Portugal             3   1  1  1   3- 6   4 
 4.Scotland             3   0  0  3   2- 8   0 
Group D
18 May 2023 Switzerland         2-0 Netherlands        [DEAC, Debrecen]
             [Boteli 49, Zé 54]
18 May 2023 Croatia             0-1 England            [Balmazujvaros]
             [Nwaneri 8]
21 May 2023 Croatia             1-2 Switzerland        [Nagyerdei, Debrecen]
             [Levak 32; Xhemalija 9, Akahomen 83]
21 May 2023 Netherlands         1-4 England            [Nagyerdei, Debrecen]
             [Hartog 71; Lewis-Skelly 7, Dada-Mascoll 80, 90+3pen, 
              Oboavwoduo 90+4]
24 May 2023 Netherlands         1-1 Croatia            [Balmazujvaros]
             [Bal 53; Puljic 66]
24 May 2023 England             0-0 Switzerland        [DEAC, Debrecen] 

 1.ENGLAND              3   2  1  0   5- 1   7 
 2.SWITZERLAND          3   2  1  0   4- 1   7
 3.Croatia              3   0  1  2   2- 4   1  
 4.Netherlands          3   0  1  2   2- 7   1
27 May 2023 Poland              3-2 Serbia             [Telki]
             [Krzyzanowski 4, Mikolajewski 62pen, Rejczyk 89; Vukojevic 51, 
              Subotic 70]
27 May 2023 Germany             1-1 Switzerland        [3-2 pen.; DEAC, Debrecen]
             [Brunner 49; Boteli 16pen]
27 May 2023 Spain               3-0 Ireland            [Budapest]
             [Granados 22, Guiu 69, Yamal 72]
27 May 2023 England             0-1 France             [Balmazujvaros]
             [Lambourde 89pen]
5th Place match
30 May 2023 England             4-2 Switzerland        [Budaors]
             [Gray 17, Lovelace 67, Golding 68, Young 76; Rufener 45+1, 
              Xhemalija 51]
30 May 2023 Poland              3-5 Germany            [Felcsut]
             [Mikolajewski 7, Borys 31, Wolski 68; Moerstedt 22, Brunner 57,
              Hermann 65, Ouedraogo 79, Ramsak 83]
30 May 2023 Spain               1-3 France             [Felcsut]
             [Yamal 69; Lambourde 73, Issoufou 80, Gomis 90+1]
02 Jun 2023 Germany             0-0 France             [5-4 pen.; Budapest] 

Germany, France, Poland, Spain and England qualified for 2023 FIFA U-17 World Cup




About this document

Prepared and maintained by Roberto Di Maggio for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Roberto Di Maggio (
Last updated: 24 Jul 2024

(C) Copyright Roberto Di Maggio and RSSSF 2023/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.