Netherlands 1896/97

List of Clubs
Administrative Developments
Eerste Klasse
Tweede Klasse
Other Available Match Results
International Activity

List of Clubs

Note that this list includes all clubs mentioned in this document, including a number of foreign ones, but is not necessarily exhaustive.
The short versions of the names on the left hand side are used in this document; an additional indication of the home town is only included if a homonymous club from another town appears in the document as well.
The full names on the right hand side appeared at least once in contemporary publications but for most clubs other versions appeared as well: in particular, the words "voetbal" and "football" as well as "vereeniging" and "club" were often interchanged, sometimes apparently at random, and while nearly all early Dutch football clubs originated from an older cricket club, the "cricket" part was not always included in the name.
Additional information is most welcome.

All clubs in italics were members of the N.V.B. at least at some point during the season.

Quick Amf.            = Amersfoortsche Football Club "Quick"
A.A.C.                = Amsterdamsche Athletische Club
E.D.O.                = Amsterdamsche Voetbal en Cricket-Club "Eendracht Doet Overwinnen"
Herakles              = Amsterdamsche Cricket- en Voetbal Vereeniging "Herakles"
Quick Adm.            = Amsterdamsche Cricket en Footballclub "Quick"
R.A.P.                = Amsterdamsche Voetbal Vereeniging "R.U.N. Amstels Progress"
Swift A.              = Machinisten Football Club "Swift"
U.n.I.                = Amsterdamsche Football en Cricket Club "Uitspanning na Inspanning"
Volharding A.         = Amsterdamsche Cricket- en Voetbal Vereeniging "Volharding"
Antwerpen (Belgium)
Antwerp F.C.          = Antwerp Football Club
Robur et Velocitas    = Apeldoornsche Cricket- en Footballvereeniging "Robur et Velocitas"
Celeritas A.
Vitesse A.            = Arnhemsche Voetbal en Athletiek-Club "Vitesse"
Achilles A.           = Asser Voetbal-en Cricket-Vereeniging "Achilles"
Bergen op Zoom
Unitas BZ             = Bergen op Zoomsche Football Club "Unitas"
Den Bosch (official name: 's-Hertogenbosch)
Victoria DB           = 's-Hertogenbossche Voetbal Vereeniging "Victoria"
Brabantia             = Bredasche Voetbal-Vereeniging "Brabantia"
B.V.V.                = Bredasche Voetbal Vereeniging                                      [1]
N.O.A.D.              = "Nooit Opgeven, Altijd Doorzetten"
Colchester (England)
Colchester F.C.       = Colchester Football Club
Concordia             = Delftsche Cricket en Voetbal Vereeniging "Concordia"
D.S.V.V.              = Delftsche Studenten Voetbal-Vereeniging
U.D.                  = Deventer Cricket- en Football Club "Utile Dulci"
Rapiditas D.
Dordrecht             = Dordrechtsche Cricket en Football Club
Hercules D.           = Dordrechtsche Football en Cricket Club "Hercules"
E.V.C.                = Eindhovensche Voetbal-Club
Enschede (usually spelled Enschedé at the time)
Prinses Wilhelmina    = Enschedesche Football Club "Prinses Wilhelmina"
Snel                  = Geertruidenbergsche Voetbal Vereeniging "Snel"
Gorinchem (colloquially: Gorkum)
Gorcum                = Gorinchemsche Voetbal Vereeniging "Gorcum"
Olympia G.            = Goudsche Cricket- en Football-Club "Olympia"
Grays (England)
Grays United F.C.     = Grays United Football Club
Be Quick              = Groninger Cricket en Voetbalclub "Be Quick"
Den Haag (official name: 's-Gravenhage)
H.B.S.                = Haagsche Voetbalvereeniging "Hoogere Burger School"
Hector                = Haagsche Football Club "Hector"
H.G.V.                = Haagsche Gymnasiastenvereeniging
Hollandia DH          = Haagsche Athletische Club "Hollandia"                              [2]
H.V.V.                = Haagsche Voetbalvereeniging
Swift DH              = Haagsche Voetbal Vereeniging "Swift"                               [3]
T.H.O.R.              = Haagsche Voetbalvereeniging "Tot Heil Onzer Ribbenkast"
Victoria DH
Haarlem               = Haarlemsche Cricket- en Football Club "Haarlem"
Hollandia H.
H.F.C.                = Haarlemsche Football-Club
Ripperda              = Haarlemsche Football-Club "Ripperda"
Unitas H.
Trap door             = Helmondsche Voetbal Club "Trap door"
Tubantia              = Hengelosche Voetbal Club "Tubantia"
't Gooi               = Hilversumsche Football Club "'t Gooi"
Ipswich (England)
Ipswich Town F.C.     = Ipswich Town Football Club
S.I.O.D.              = Kamper Football-Club "Scoren Is Ons Doel"
Leeuwarden (in Frisian: Ljouwert)
Frisia                = Leeuwarder Cricket Club "Frisia"
Ajax                  = Leidsche Cricket- en Voetbal-Vereeniging "Ajax"
L.S.F.C.              = Leidsche Studenten Football Club
Londen (London, England)
British Ladies' F.C.  = British Ladies' Football Club
Maidstone (England)
English Wanderers       [touring side assembled by Mr. Charles S. Craven from Maidstone]
Maidstone F.C.        = Maidstone Football Club
Olympia M.            = Middelburgsche Football-Club "Olympia"
Quick N.              = Nijmeegsche Cricket- en Football Club "Quick"
Quick Step            = Nijmeegsche Cricket- en Football Club "Quick Step"
Osnabrück (Germany)
Handelschule F.V.     = Handelschule Fussball Verein
Cunera                = Rhenensche Football Club "Cunera"
Achilles R.
Celeritas R.          = Rotterdamsche Cricket- en Football Club "Celeritas"
Katendrecht           = Katendrechtsche Voetbal Vereeniging "Katendrecht"
Neptunus              = Rotterdamsche Cricket en Voetbal Vereeniging "Neptunus"
Olympia R.
Rapiditas R.          = Rotterdamsche Cricket- en Football-Club "Rapiditas"
Sparta R.             = Rotterdamsche Voetbal en Athletiek Vereeniging "Sparta"            [4]
Unitas R.  
Victoria R.           = Rotterdamsche Cricket- en Football-Club "Victoria"                 [5]
Vitesse R.     
Volharding R.         = Rotterdamsche Voetbal Club "Volharding"
Hermes                = Schiedamsche Cricket- en Football-Club "Hermes"
Voorwaarts            = Tielsche Voetbal-Vereeniging "Voorwaarts"
Tilburgia             = Tilburgsche Football Club "Tilburgia"
Hercules U.           = Utrechtsche Football Club "Hercules"
Look out              = Veendammer Football Club "Look out"                                [6]
Sportclub Noorthey    = Voorschotensche Sportclub Noorthey
Go Ahead              = Wageningsche Cricket- en Football-Club "Go-Ahead"
Victoria W.           = Wageningsche Voetbal Vereeniging "Victoria"
Sparta W.             = Winschoter Voetbal Vereeniging "Sparta"
Olympia Z.            = Zaltbommelsche Voetbal Vereeniging "Olympia"
Zutphania             = Zutphense Football en Athletiek Club "Zutphania"
Z.A.C.                = Zwolsche Athletische Club

[1] B.V.V. presumably was a new name for Rap, as both clubs were described as the
    "Bredasche onderofficierenclub".
[2] Founded on Jul 15, 1894.
[3] Founded on Dec 6, 1894.
[4] In January 1897, Sparta abolished cricket and changed their official name from
    Rotterdamsche Cricket- en Football-Club "Sparta" to R.V. & A.V. "Sparta".
[5] On Sep 23, 1896, Victoria absorbed Excelsior (Rotterdam).
[6] Founded on May 2, 1897.

Administrative Developments

Prior to the season, various changes in the regulations were made regarding the competitions. First of all, the Commissie tot reglements herziening proposed, among other recommendations, to add new articles stating that: the Algemeen Bestuur defines divisions (afdeelingen) which must remain unchanged as much as possible ("zoveel mogelijk ongewijzigd moeten blijven"); the Algemeen Bestuur defines the set-up of the competitions ("inrichting der competities"); and Eerste Klasse clubs may not enter competitions including clubs not belonging to the Eerste Klasse ("1e Klasse Vereenigingen zullen in geen competitie met niet 1e klasse Vereenigingen mededingen").
After both the Dagelijksch Bestuur and the Algemeen Bestuur had agreed with those changes, they were submitted to the Algemeene Vergadering on Oct 11, 1896 at the Hôtel "Zwijnshoofd", Kleine Oord, Arnhem, together with a new regulation, proposed by the Algemeen Bestuur, for promotion and relegation between the Eerste and Tweede Klasse, which was to replace existing articles (numbered 134 to 138) on the issue:
"Na afloop der competitiewedstrijden speelt de 1e der 2e kl. vereenigingen in elke afdeeling op onzijdig terrein tegen de laatste der 1e kl. vereeniging van dezelfde afdeeling. Is na afloop van den speeltijd (1½ uur) geen beslissing gevallen, dan moet de scheidsrechter nog een ¼ uur, en na verloop daarvan, indien noodig, nogmaals ¼ uur doen spelen. Ingeval dan nog niet tot een beslissing is gekomen, wordt de wedstrijd overgespeeld. Blijft de 2e wedstrijd na 1½ uur onbeslist, dan blijft elke vereeniging in de klasse waarin zij is. Ingeval de 2e kl. vereeniging, hetzij direct hetzij den 2en wedstrijd wint, verwisselt zij met de 1e klasse vereeniging. (...) Ingeval er in ééne afdeeling 2 of meer 2e kl. competities zijn, spelen de 2 of meer eersten der 2e kl. comp. tegen de laatste 2 of meer 1e kl. vereenigingen, door loting uit te maken wie tegen elkaar spelen."
In brief, in each division there would be "Test Matches" at neutral venues between the second class champions and the last club(s) of the first class, much like they had been introduced in England in the 1892/93 season and in the spirit of Wurfbain's proposal at the general meeting on May 17, 1896.

The meeting in Arnhem approved all of the above, making only one minor change (deleting the possible second extra time of 15 minutes), after eerste secretaris Wijnands had answered a number of questions, of which the most relevant were: 1) is a club allowed to refuse to enter the Eerste Klasse? (question by De Boer (U.D.); answer: yes, it is an invitation only and a club may choose to play in the Tweede Klasse instead; U.D. would do so); 2) can the board arbitrarily choose clubs to enter the Eerste Klasse? (question by Muntinga; answer: yes where the Eerste Klasse is new, no where it already exists, i.e. (at the time) in Holland); and 3) should there not be a single champion of the country? (suggestion by Burkens; answer: this may become problematic if the number of Eerste Klasse competitions increases and therefore regulation of this is not desirable).

One week later, on Oct 18, the Algemeen Bestuur defined four divisions, the first including clubs from the provinces of Noord- and Zuid-Holland, the second those from the provinces of Utrecht, Gelderland and Overijssel, the third those from the provinces of Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe, and the fourth those from the province of Noord-Brabant (at the time, no clubs from the provinces of Zeeland and Limburg had joined the N.V.B.). Only the first two were to have an Eerste Klasse competition, as well as two Tweede Klasse groups; the third and fourth division both consisted of one Tweede Klasse group only. Geographically, the existing Eerste Klasse clubs all belonged to Afdeeling 1 except for Go Ahead of Wageningen, who were joined in the new Eerste Klasse of Afdeeling 2 by Vitesse (winners of the Geldersche competitie in 1895/96), Prinses Wilhelmina (winners of the Oostelijke competitie in 1895/96) and U.D. (runners-up of the Oostelijke competitie; they were to be replaced, in case they refused to enter, by third-placed Z.A.C.).
At the same time, the Algemeen Bestuur reserved the right to have a national championship contested by the two first class champions: "Het algemeen bestuur hield zich het recht voor na afloop van 1e klasse competities de eerste der afdeelingen I en II te doen spelen om het kampioenschap van Nederland."

However, by the end of the season, tensions between the members of the Dagelijksch Bestuur (F.H. van Leeuwen, L.J. Wijnands, J. Warner, H.A. Tromp and O. de Bordes) and the other members of the Algemeen Bestuur, which had already been apparent at the discussions on the Tweede Klasse competition in the previous season, exploded to such an extent that at the meeting of the board on Mar 20, 1897 in "De Roode Leeuw" in Amsterdam, F. Borst proposed the following motion: "Het Alg. Best. in zijne vergadering van 20 Maart '97, is van oordeel, dat het Dag. Bestuur de belangen van den bond schandelijk heeft verwaarloosd, en gaat over tot de orde van den dag."; it was rejected by 4 votes to 2 (and 5 abstentions, by the members of the Dagelijksch Bestuur) but soon after the entire Dagelijksch Bestuur announced its resignation, effective at the end of the season – at the beginning of the year, Wijnands had already announced his own withdrawal; he continued as eerste secretaris until the end of the season but there are compelling reasons to assume he was not responsible for the unsigned and error-ridden season overview published in the May 29 issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport", which appears to have been the main source for the data on this season as published in [BNS -] (Part 1) and on the Voetbalkroniek site but contained seven (!) errors and omissions (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) on Tweede Klasse match results alone (there are additional issues in the Eerste Klasse (1,2) and mistakes in match dates; moreover, it was compiled before the last three matches of the season (1-2,3) were even played).
Amidst the infighting, no further mention of a championship match, which would have opposed R.A.P. and Vitesse, was made, although the board did still manage to deal with the petulant withdrawal of Sparta in its meeting on Apr 10 and the resulting tie for first place in the Tweede Klasse B of Afdeeling 1, drawing lots on Apr 29 (the first known use of chance as a tie-breaker in league standings) to determine the winners. That this draw had taken place was not communicated until the May 15, 1897 issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport", which also included an intriguing letter signed by F.W. Bult, the English centre forward of R.A.P., who had represented the N.V.B. (and scored) against the English Wanderers on Mar 28, apparently sent with the intention to mediate between the factions, although the perfect Dutch in which it was written suggests he had had considerable help in composing or translating it from a native speaker with his own agenda.

Eerste Klasse

Afdeeling 1 | Afdeeling 2 | Landskampioenschap

Afdeeling 1 (Noord- en Zuid-Holland)

Final Table:

 1.R.A.P. (Amsterdam)            12  10  1  1  52-10  21  Champions
 2.H.V.V. (Den Haag)             12   7  2  3  44-12  16
 3.H.B.S. (Den Haag)             12   7  0  5  20-22  14
 4.Sparta (Rotterdam)            12   5  2  5  20-30  12
 5.Rapiditas (Rotterdam)         12   5  1  6  28-25  11
 6.Victoria (Rotterdam)          12   3  2  7  19-43   8  Test Match
 7.H.F.C. (Haarlem)              12   1  0 11  10-51   2  Test Match

[Nov 8, 1896; Den Haag]
H.V.V.              0-1 H.B.S.              
[Nov 8, 1896; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           4-2 Rapiditas R.        

[Nov 15, 1896; Den Haag]
H.V.V.              4-1 Rapiditas R.        
[Nov 15, 1896; Rotterdam]
Victoria R.         2-3 Sparta R.           

[Nov 22, 1896; Amsterdam]
R.A.P.              awd H.F.C.              [awarded 5-0, H.F.C. dns]
[Nov 22, 1896; Den Haag]
H.B.S.              0-3 Sparta R.           
[Nov 22, 1896; Rotterdam]
Victoria R.        1-11 H.V.V.              
  [first ever double digit defeat for a home team in the Eerste Klasse]

[Nov 29, 1896; Den Haag]
H.V.V.              3-0 Sparta R.           
[Nov 29, 1896; Heemstede]
H.F.C.              2-4 Victoria R.         
[Nov 29, 1896; Rotterdam]
Rapiditas R.        3-2 R.A.P.              

[Dec 6, 1896; Heemstede]
H.F.C.              0-9 H.V.V.              
  [record loss for H.F.C.; the previous record dated back to Nov 17, 1895; note
   that on All Saints, H.F.C. had lost a friendly 2-12 to city rivals Haarlem]
[Dec 6, 1896; Rotterdam]
Rapiditas R.        2-1 H.B.S.              

[Dec 13, 1896; Den Haag]
H.V.V.              2-2 R.A.P.              
[Dec 13, 1896; Rotterdam]
Victoria R.         awd H.F.C.              [awarded 5-0, H.F.C. dns]

[Dec 20, 1896; Heemstede]
H.F.C.              0-1 H.B.S.              

[Dec 27, 1896; Rotterdam]
Rapiditas R.        2-3 Victoria R.         

[Jan 3, 1897; Heemstede]
H.F.C.              0-3 Sparta R.           
[Jan 3, 1897; Rotterdam]
Victoria R.         1-3 H.B.S.              

[Feb 14, 1897; Amsterdam]
R.A.P.             10-1 Victoria R.         
  [the season overview published in the May 29 issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport"
   listed the result of this match as 19-1 in the list of matches and as 10-0 in
   the cross-table; both are wrong]
[Feb 14, 1897; Den Haag]
H.B.S.              4-0 H.F.C.              
[Feb 14, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           1-1 H.V.V.              

[Feb 21, 1897; Amsterdam]
R.A.P.              6-0 H.B.S.              
[Feb 21, 1897; Heemstede]
H.F.C.              1-4 Rapiditas R.        
[Feb 21, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           1-1 Victoria R.         

[Feb 28, 1897; Den Haag]
H.V.V.              4-0 Victoria R.         
H.B.S.              4-1 Rapiditas R.        
[Feb 28, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           0-3 R.A.P.              
  [Sparta forward Vuyck was sent off by referee Tromp for twice running into the
   goal keeper of R.A.P., having been cautioned at the first occurrence; Sparta
   protested that before sending him off, Tromp should have consulted the linesman,
   but their protest, demanding a replay of the match, was thrown out; apparently
   out of confusion with the return match played in Amsterdam three weeks later,
   the season overview published in the May 29 issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport"
   wrongly listed the result of this match as 0-7]

[Mar 7, 1897; Amsterdam]
R.A.P.              3-2 H.V.V.              
[Mar 7, 1897; Den Haag]
H.B.S.              4-0 Victoria R.         
[Mar 7, 1897; Rotterdam]
Rapiditas R.        awd H.F.C.              [awarded 5-0, H.F.C. dns]

[Mar 14, 1897; Heemstede]
H.F.C.              2-6 R.A.P.              
[Mar 14, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           5-1 H.B.S.              
Victoria R.         1-1 Rapiditas R.        

[Mar 21, 1897; Amsterdam]
R.A.P.              7-0 Sparta R.           
[Mar 21, 1897; Rotterdam]
Rapiditas R.        2-3 H.V.V.              

NB: on Mar 29, 1897, three days after the final league matches had been fixtured at a
    meeting of the Dagelijksch Bestuur in Rotterdam on Mar 26, Sparta sent a letter to
    the N.V.B. to withdraw from the Eerste Klasse competition, in which they cited a
    number of grievances; these presumably included the way the N.V.B. board had dealt
    both with the match against the British Ladies' F.C. announced for Aug 30, 1896
    (and the refusal to refund the club for costs incurred) and with Sparta's protest
    against the sending off of Vuyck in the match on Feb 28 against R.A.P.

[Apr 4, 1897; terrein der A.A.C., Potgieterstraat, Amsterdam]
R.A.P.              2-0 Rapiditas R.        
  [this win, coupled with the loss of H.V.V. on the same day and the decision not
   to accept the withdrawal of Sparta at the board meeting on Apr 10 (see below)
   guaranteed R.A.P. the championship]
  [R.A.P.: Meinesz; Potter, v.d. Linde; Schröder, de Bordes, Lieftinck;
           Dezentjé, Hisgen, Bult, Elias, Zweerts;
   Rapiditas: Stokvis; Petit, H. Stokvis; Van Woude, C. Bakker, De Lange;
              Borst, van Veen, Bijdendijk, Mathol, Bakker;
   ref: L.J. Wijnands]
[Apr 4, 1897; Den Haag]
H.B.S.              1-0 H.V.V.              
[Apr 4, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           awd H.F.C.              [awarded 0-5, Sparta dns]
  [instead of playing H.F.C. (who in all likelihood would not have shown for the
   match), Sparta hosted a Brabant selection]

NB: on Apr 10, 1897, the Algemeen Bestuur of the N.V.B. decided in a meeting in
    Amsterdam to write Sparta that Sparta's failure to play its last two matches
    would not be considered a withdrawal, and that both matches would be awarded
    forfeit losses against Sparta; the only opposition against this decision was
    voiced by J.E. Stokvis, eerste voorzitter of H.B.S.  At this meeting, several
    board members surmised that the grievances listed by Sparta in the letter of
    Mar 29 were nothing but pretexts, and the real reason for the withdrawal was
    an attempt to compromise R.A.P.'s chances to win the goal average trophy.


 1.R.A.P. (Amsterdam)            10   8  1  1  46-10  17  Champions
 2.H.V.V. (Den Haag)             11   6  2  3  39-12  14
 3.H.B.S. (Den Haag)             11   7  0  4  20-18  14
 4.Sparta (Rotterdam)            11   5  2  4  20-25  12
 5.Rapiditas (Rotterdam)         11   4  1  6  23-25   9
 6.Victoria (Rotterdam)          11   3  2  6  19-41   8
 7.H.F.C. (Haarlem)              11   1  0 10  10-46   2  Test Match

Note that had all Sparta's matches been discounted, the standings would have read:

Table (as of Apr 5; without matches Sparta):

 1.H.B.S. (Den Haag)              9   7  0  2  19-10  14
 2.R.A.P. (Amsterdam)             8   6  1  1  36-10  13
 3.H.V.V. (Den Haag)              9   5  1  3  35-11  11
 4.Rapiditas (Rotterdam)         10   4  1  5  21-21   9
 5.Victoria (Rotterdam)           9   3  1  5  16-37   7
 6.H.F.C. (Haarlem)               9   0  0  9   5-43   0

The above table (with the minor error of listing H.B.S. with 12 goals conceded) was
published by J.R. v. S. (who had also instigated the discussion on the exact rules
used in the Final of the Tweede Klasse in the previous season) in the Apr 14 issue
of "De Athleet", arguing H.B.S. were (again) being done an injustice.  The above
standings (which guaranteed H.B.S. to finish at least second, ahead of city rivals
H.V.V.) may partially explain the opposition of H.B.S. president Stokvis against
the otherwise unanimous decision of the N.V.B. board to reject Sparta's withdrawal.

However, it is not clear whether, as Sparta had played all other clubs at least once,
the first result of Sparta against each should not have been included (that rule had
been introduced at the start of the 1892/93 season but may have become invalid after
the changes in the regulations accepted at the general meeting on Oct 11, 1896, as a
statement by Van Leeuwen at the board meeting on Apr 10 appears to imply: "Art. 138
is geschrapt.  In het tegenwoordige reglement komt geen speciaal artikel voor, dat
dit geval regelt."); however, it appears certain, from a statement by De Bordes at
that meeting on Apr 10, that Sparta had been under the impression that the old rule
was still applicable: "De Bordes wijst er op dat de heer Kampschreur hem persoonlijk
verklaard heeft, dat het Sparta zou tegenvallen, wanneer ze vernam dat het reglement
volstrekt niet bevatte de bepaling, dat bij terugtrekking de 2e ronde ongeldig werd";
had it still been valid, the standings at this point would have read:

Table (as of Apr 5; only including first matches against Sparta):

 1.R.A.P. (Amsterdam)             9   7  1  1  39-10  15
 2.H.B.S. (Den Haag)             10   7  0  3  19-13  14
 3.H.V.V. (Den Haag)             10   6  1  3  38-11  13
 4.Rapiditas (Rotterdam)         11   4  1  6  23-25   9
 5.Victoria (Rotterdam)          10   3  1  6  18-40   7
 6.H.F.C. (Haarlem)              10   0  0 10   5-46   0
 -.Sparta (Rotterdam)             6   4  0  2  13-10   8

However, after the decision of the Algemeen Bestuur that Sparta had not withdrawn
because their last two matches had already been fixtured and so they were guilty
of not showing for them (and thus punishable by a forfeit loss), any discussions
on which matches to include or not had become superfluous.  Note that after this
decision the board was more or less forced to deal the same way with the case of
T.H.O.R., who had withdrawn from the Tweede Klasse B at the beginning of March.

[Apr 11, 1897; Den Haag]
H.V.V.              awd H.F.C.              [awarded 5-0]
[Apr 11, 1897; Rotterdam]
Rapiditas R.        awd Sparta R.           [awarded 5-0]
  [instead of playing Rapiditas, Sparta hosted U.N.I.]
Victoria R.         0-2 R.A.P.              

[Apr 18, 1897; Den Haag]
H.B.S.              0-4 R.A.P.              

Final Table:

 1.R.A.P. (Amsterdam)            12  10  1  1  52-10  21  Champions
 2.H.V.V. (Den Haag)             12   7  2  3  44-12  16
 3.H.B.S. (Den Haag)             12   7  0  5  20-22  14
 4.Sparta (Rotterdam)            12   5  2  5  20-30  12
 5.Rapiditas (Rotterdam)         12   5  1  6  28-25  11
 6.Victoria (Rotterdam)          12   3  2  7  19-43   8  Test Match
 7.H.F.C. (Haarlem)              12   1  0 11  10-51   2  Test Match

NB: R.A.P. won the cup offered by the former R.C. en V.V. for the best goal average
    for the second time in succession and thereby obtained its permanent possession. 

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            RAP HVV  HBS Spa Rap  Vic HFC   HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
R.A.P.      xxx 3-2  6-0 7-0 2-0 10-1 5a0    6  6  0  0  33- 3  12    6  4  1  1  19- 7   9
H.V.V.      2-2 xxx  0-1 3-0 4-1  4-0 5a0    6  4  1  1  18- 4   9    6  3  1  2  26- 8   7
H.B.S.      0-4 1-0  xxx 0-3 4-1  4-0 4-0    6  4  0  2  13- 8   8    6  3  0  3   7-14   6
Sparta      0-3 1-1  5-1 xxx 4-2  1-1 0a5    6  2  2  2  11-13   6    6  3  0  3   9-17   6
Rapiditas   3-2 2-3  2-1 5a0 xxx  2-3 5a0    6  4  0  2  19- 9   8    6  1  1  4   9-16   3
Victoria    0-2 1-11 1-3 2-3 1-1  xxx 5a0    6  1  1  4  10-20   3    6  2  1  3   9-23   5
H.F.C.      2-6 0-9  0-1 0-3 1-4  2-4 xxx    6  0  0  6   5-27   0    6  1  0  5   5-24   2
NB: 5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team;
    0a5 indicates match awarded 0-5 due to forfeit by home team.

Test Matches Afdeeling 1

[May 2, 1897; Heemstede]
H.F.C.              0-5 Haarlem             
  [match was to be played at a neutral venue but both clubs requested the N.V.B.
   to fixture it for the H.F.C. ground in Heemstede, by far the best ground in
   the vicinity of Haarlem]
[May 2, 1897; Rotterdam (field Rapiditas)]
Victoria R.         0-2 Celeritas R.        

NB: Celeritas and Haarlem promoted, H.F.C. and Victoria relegated.

Note that Victoria became the first club to be relegated from the top level twice
(first in 1893/94) while the two Haarlem clubs had the most contrasting seasons
possible: while Haarlem won all its seven competitive matches (with an overall
goal record of 28-3), H.F.C. lost all eight matches in which it fielded a team
(overall goal record: 5-36), in addition to forfeiting four matches (all away)
and obtaining two free points thanks to Sparta's spring antics.

Afdeeling 2 (Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel)

Final Table:

 1.Vitesse (Arnhem)               4   3  1  0  12- 5   7  Champions
 2.Go Ahead (Wageningen)          4   1  2  1   9- 8   4  Test Match
 3.Prinses Wilhelmina (Enschede)  4   0  1  3   6-14   1  Test Match
 -.U.D. (Deventer)                refused to enter
 -.Z.A.C. (Zwolle)                withdrew before playing a match

[Nov 22, 1896; buitengoed "'t Pot" (Lonneker), Enschede]
Prinses Wilhelmina  1-1 Go Ahead            

[Nov 29, 1896; buitengoed "'t Pot" (Lonneker), Enschede]
Prinses Wilhelmina  3-4 Vitesse A.          

[Dec 13, 1896; Arnhem]
Vitesse A.          n/p Z.A.C.              [Z.A.C. dns]

NB: Z.A.C. withdrew from the competition.

[Feb 21, 1897; Wageningen]
Go Ahead            2-2 Vitesse A.          

[Feb 28, 1897; Arnhem]
Vitesse A.          3-0 Prinses Wilhelmina  

[Mar 7, 1897; Wageningen]
Go Ahead            6-2 Prinses Wilhelmina  

[Mar 14, 1897; Arnhem]
Vitesse A.          3-0 Go Ahead            
  [this win guaranteed Vitesse the championship]
  [Vitesse: R. d'Arnaud Gerkens ("Polo"); R. Hendriks, Jager; Lutjens, Jacobson,
            Meijhuizen; Roqué, P. Hendriks, A. Hesselink, E. Hesselink, W. Hesselink;
   Go Ahead: Ten Oever; Hartog, Bosschart; W. van Houten, Gobée, Kruseman;
             Rennesse, Van Houten, Tiange, Van Eck, Bijdendijk;
   ref: H.A. Tromp]

Final Table:

 1.Vitesse (Arnhem)               4   3  1  0  12- 5   7  Champions
 2.Go Ahead (Wageningen)          4   1  2  1   9- 8   4  Test Match
 3.Prinses Wilhelmina (Enschede)  4   0  1  3   6-14   1  Test Match
 -.U.D. (Deventer)                refused to enter
 -.Z.A.C. (Zwolle)                withdrew before playing a match

NB: U.D. were invited to enter the Eerste Klasse in Afdeeling 2 but refused to
    do so as they were unwilling to play Prinses Wilhelmina after altercations
    in their match in Enschede in the previous season, on Feb 23, 1896, about
    which they had complained in a letter to the N.V.B. dated Feb 25, 1896; it
    presumably was because of that letter that the N.V.B. had originally given
    the participants as: "Go Ahead, Vitesse, Prinses Wilhelmina, U.D.; if U.D.
    declines, then Z.A.C.", and thus invited Z.A.C. after U.D.'s refusal.

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            Vit GoA PrW                     HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Vitesse     xxx 3-0 3-0                      2  2  0  0   6- 0   4    2  1  1  0   6- 5   3
Go Ahead    2-2 xxx 6-2                      2  1  1  0   8- 4   3    2  0  1  1   1- 4   1
P.W.        3-4 1-1 xxx                      2  0  1  1   4- 5   1    2  0  0  2   2- 9   0

Test Matches Afdeeling 2

NB: these matches do not appear in the season overview published on May 29 in the
    "Nederlandsche Sport" as that was compiled before they were played; the same
    applies to the last match in the Tweede Klasse of Afdeeling 4.

[May 23, 1897; Zutphen]
Prinses Wilhelmina  2-3 Quick N.            
  [match played before the arrival of the designated referee, H.A. Tromp; both clubs
   protested against a goal by the opposition]

[May 30, 1897; Arnhem (played in the morning, before the N.V.B. general meeting)]
Go Ahead            1-5 U.D.                

NB: U.D. promoted, Go Ahead relegated; the protest of Prinses Wilhelmina was rejected
    and thus Quick were promoted and Prinses Wilhelmina relegated; however, following
    a proposal by Engelberts at a board meeting on Sep 5, 1897 in Amsterdam, Go Ahead
    and Prinses Wilhelmina were readmitted to the Eerste Klasse for the next season.


At its meeting on Oct 18, 1896, in which the distribution of the clubs over the
various leagues was decided, the Algemeen Bestuur explicitly reserved the right
to have the winners of the Eerste Klasse competitions of Afdeeling 1 and 2 play
for the Kampioenschap van Nederland; however, by the end of the season the board
had become mired in infighting, and there never was any further discussion on a
national championship decider between R.A.P. and Vitesse.

Tweede Klasse

Afdeeling 1 | Afdeeling 2 | Afdeeling 3 | Afdeeling 4

Afdeeling 1 (Noord- en Zuid-Holland)

2e Klasse A | 2e Klasse B

2e Klasse A (Noord-Holland)

Final Table:

 1.Haarlem                        6   6  0  0  23- 3  12  Test Match
 2.U.n.I. (Amsterdam)             6   4  0  2  17-11   8
 3.Volharding (Amsterdam)         6   2  0  4  18-18   4
 4.A.A.C. (Amsterdam)             6   0  0  6   7-33   0
NB: A.A.C. and Volharding also played in the A.V.B. competitie.

[Nov 8, 1896; Haarlem]
Haarlem             6-0 A.A.C.              

[Nov 22, 1896; Amsterdam]
Volharding A.       5-2 A.A.C.              

[Nov 29, 1896; Amsterdam]
U.n.I.              6-0 Volharding A.       

[Dec 6, 1896; Amsterdam]
A.A.C.              2-4 U.n.I.              

[Dec 13, 1896; Heemstede]
Haarlem             5-2 Volharding A.       

[Dec 27, 1896; Amsterdam]
A.A.C.              1-9 Volharding A.       

[Jan 3, 1897; Amsterdam]
U.n.I.              3-2 A.A.C.              

[Feb 14, 1897; Amsterdam]
Volharding A.       2-3 U.n.I.              

[Feb 21, 1897; Amsterdam]
Volharding A.       0-1 Haarlem             
  [the result of this match is often given as 1-1, presumably because that was the
   result listed in the overview of "Het seizoen 1896-97" published in the May 29
   issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport"; however, one week later, in the Jun 5 issue,
   that error was rectified ("Rectificatie", p. 17), albeit not without adding two
   new errors by stating Haarlem defeated A.A.C. 6-2 on Feb 28 (whereas they met on
   Mar 7 and A.A.C. failed to score); all match reports which appeared immediately
   after the game confirm Haarlem won 1-0; it should be noted the same overview of
   May 29 contained a number of other errors (1,2,3) and omissions (1,2,3)]

[Feb 28, 1897; Amsterdam]
U.n.I.              1-4 Haarlem             

[Mar 7, 1897; Amsterdam]
A.A.C.              0-6 Haarlem             

[Mar 21, 1897; Haarlem]
Haarlem             1-0 U.n.I.              

Final Table:

 1.Haarlem                        6   6  0  0  23- 3  12  Test Match
 2.U.n.I. (Amsterdam)             6   4  0  2  17-11   8
 3.Volharding (Amsterdam)         6   2  0  4  18-18   4
 4.A.A.C. (Amsterdam)             6   0  0  6   7-33   0
NB: A.A.C. and Volharding also played in the A.V.B. competitie.

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            Haa UnI Vol AAC                 HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Haarlem     xxx 1-0 5-2 6-0                  3  3  0  0  12- 2   6    3  3  0  0  11- 1   6
U.n.I.      1-4 xxx 6-0 3-2                  3  2  0  1  10- 6   4    3  2  0  1   7- 5   4
Volharding  0-1 2-3 xxx 5-2                  3  1  0  2   7- 6   2    3  1  0  2  11-12   2
A.A.C.      0-6 2-4 1-9 xxx                  3  0  0  3   3-19   0    3  0  0  3   4-14   0

2e Klasse B (Zuid-Holland)

Final Table:

 1.Celeritas (Rotterdam)          6   4  1  1  15- 5   9  Test Match  [g.a.: 3.00; won on lots]
 2.H.G.V. (Den Haag)              6   4  1  1  15- 5   9              [g.a.: 3.00; lost on lots]
 3.Neptunus (Rotterdam)           6   3  0  3  13- 9   6
 4.T.H.O.R. (Den Haag)            6   0  0  6   2-26   0
NB: H.G.V. also played in the H.V.B. competitie;
    Celeritas and Neptunus also played in the R.V.B. competitie.

[Nov 1, 1896; Rotterdam]
Neptunus            1-3 Celeritas R.        

[Nov 8, 1896; Den Haag]
H.G.V.              4-2 Neptunus            

[Nov 15, 1896; Rotterdam]
Celeritas R.        4-1 T.H.O.R.            

[Nov 22, 1896; Den Haag]
T.H.O.R.            0-2 H.G.V.              
  [the result of this match was never reported in the "Nederlandsche Sport", the
   official means of publication of the N.V.B., not even in the season overview
   published on May 29, but it was mentioned in local newspapers as well as in the
   Nov 26 issue of "De Athleet" (the official means of publication for both clubs
   involved; both reported the result of the match); the drawing of lots at the
   meeting of the Dagelijksch Bestuur on Apr 29 implies the N.V.B. (or at least its
   first secretary, L.J. Wijnands) was aware of the result; there were a number of
   other omissions (1,2) and downright errors (1,2,3,4) in that season overview]

[Dec 6, 1896; Rotterdam]
Neptunus            4-1 T.H.O.R.            

[Dec 13, 1896; Rotterdam]
Celeritas R.        0-1 Neptunus            

[Dec 20, 1896; Rotterdam]
Neptunus            0-1 H.G.V.              

[Feb 21, 1897; Den Haag]
H.G.V.              6-0 T.H.O.R.            

[Feb 28, 1897; Den Haag]
H.G.V.              0-0 Celeritas R.        

NB: T.H.O.R. withdrew; after the decision on Sparta's withdrawal in the Eerste Klasse,
    it was decided to award T.H.O.R.'s final two matches, both already fixtured before
    their withdrawal, as 0-5 forfeit losses against them, analogous to the treatment of
    Sparta's case.

[Mar 7, 1897; Den Haag]
T.H.O.R.            awd Neptunus            [awarded 0-5, T.H.O.R. dns]

[Mar 14, 1897; Rotterdam]
Celeritas R.        3-2 H.G.V.              

[Mar 21, 1897; Den Haag]
T.H.O.R.            awd Celeritas R.        [awarded 0-5, T.H.O.R. dns]

NB: at the meeting of the Algemeen Bestuur on Apr 10, eerste secretaris Wijnands inquired
    what to do if two clubs would finish equal on points and goal average (he must have
    known this would be the case between Celeritas and H.G.V.); that meeting agreed to
    leave a decision on that to the Dagelijksch Bestuur, which met on Apr 29 and decided
    to draw lots, which favoured Celeritas.  This must have been the first instance of
    the use of chance as a tie-breaker in a league competition; earlier, the first round
    tie between Shropshire Wanderers and Sheffield F.C. in the 1873/74 F.A. Cup had been
    decided by a coin toss at the Raven Hotel in Shrewsbury, on Nov 17, 1873, after the
    replay had remained goalless (curiously, the two clubs also were drawn against each
    other in the first round of the next two editions, with Sheffield F.C. scratching in
    1874/75 and Shropshire Wanderers in 1875/76).

Final Table:

 1.Celeritas (Rotterdam)          6   4  1  1  15- 5   9  Test Match  [g.a.: 3.00; won on lots]
 2.H.G.V. (Den Haag)              6   4  1  1  15- 5   9              [g.a.: 3.00; lost on lots]
 3.Neptunus (Rotterdam)           6   3  0  3  13- 9   6
 4.T.H.O.R. (Den Haag)            6   0  0  6   2-26   0
NB: H.G.V. also played in the H.V.B. competitie;
    Celeritas and Neptunus also played in the R.V.B. competitie.

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            Cel HGV Nep THO                 HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Celeritas   xxx 3-2 0-1 4-1                  3  2  0  1   7- 4   4    3  2  1  0   8- 1   5
H.G.V.      0-0 xxx 4-2 6-0                  3  2  1  0  10- 2   5    3  2  0  1   5- 3   4
Neptunus    1-3 0-1 xxx 4-1                  3  1  0  2   5- 5   2    3  2  0  1   8- 4   4
T.H.O.R.    0a5 0-2 0a5 xxx                  3  0  0  3   0-12   0    3  0  0  3   2-14   0
NB: 0a5 indicates match awarded 0-5 due to forfeit by home team.

Afdeeling 2 (Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel)

2e Klasse A | 2e Klasse B

2e Klasse A (Utrecht, Gelderland)

Final Table:

 1.Quick (Nijmegen)                6   6  0  0  33- 7  12  Test Match
 2.Hercules (Utrecht)             6   3  0  3  11-13   6
 3.Victoria (Wageningen)          6   2  0  4   9-20   4
 4.Quick (Amersfoort)             6   1  0  5   8-21   2

[Nov 8, 1896; Utrecht]
Hercules U.         2-5 Quick N.            

[Nov 29, 1896; Nijmegen]
Quick N.            8-2 Quick Amf.          
[Nov 29, 1896;  Wageningen]
Victoria W.         3-1 Hercules U.         

[Dec 6, 1896; Nijmegen]
Quick N.            4-0 Hercules U.         
  [result incorrectly given as 3-1 in the overview of "Het seizoen 1896-97" published
   in the May 29 issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport"; curiously, the Dec 12 issue of
   the same publication gave the correct result as well as an extensive match report;
   note that that season overview contained more errors (1,2,3) and omissions (1,2,3)]

[Dec 13, 1896; Wageningen]
Victoria W.         1-6 Quick N.            

[Dec 20, 1896; Amersfoort]
Quick Amf.          2-0 Victoria W.         

[Jan 17, 1897; Utrecht]
Hercules U.         ppd Quick Amf.          
  [not played as ground was ruled unplayable; a friendly was played instead]

[Feb 21, 1897; Utrecht]
Hercules U.         awd Quick Amf.          [awarded 5-0, Quick refused to play]

[Feb 28, 1897; Wageningen]
Victoria W.         4-2 Quick Amf.          
  [the result of this match was never reported in the "Nederlandsche Sport", the
   official means of publication of the N.V.B., not even in the season overview
   published on May 29, but the Mar 3 issue of "De Athleet" included a report on
   this match; that season overview contained a number of other omissions (1,2)
   and errors (1,2,3,4)]

[Mar 7, 1897; Utrecht]
Hercules U.         1-0 Victoria W.         [after protest, originally 1-1]
  [the season overview published on May 29 in the "Nederlandsche Sport" wrongly
   listed the original result of the match, although it had reported four weeks
   before, on May 1, that Hercules had won its protest against Victoria's goal;
   this was also reported by "De Athleet" on May 5; there were numerous other
   errors (1,2,3) and omissions (1,2,3) in that season overview]

[Mar 21, 1897; Amersfoort]
Quick Amf.          1-2 Hercules U.         

[Apr 11, 1897; Nijmegen]
Quick N.            8-1 Victoria W.         
  [Victoria showed with 9 players and were completed by 2 players from Quick]

[May 2, 1897; Amersfoort]
Quick Amf.          1-2 Quick N.            

Final Table:

 1.Quick (Nijmegen)                6   6  0  0  33- 7  12  Test Match
 2.Hercules (Utrecht)             6   3  0  3  11-13   6
 3.Victoria (Wageningen)          6   2  0  4   9-20   4
 4.Quick (Amersfoort)             6   1  0  5   8-21   2

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            QuN Her Vic QuA                 HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Quick N.    xxx 4-0 8-1 8-2                  3  3  0  0  20- 3   6    3  3  0  0  13- 4   6
Hercules    2-5 xxx 1-0 5a0                  3  2  0  1   8- 5   4    3  1  0  2   3- 8   2
Victoria    1-6 3-1 xxx 4-2                  3  2  0  1   8- 9   4    3  0  0  3   1-11   0
Quick A.    1-2 1-2 2-0 xxx                  3  1  0  2   4- 4   2    3  0  0  3   4-17   0
NB: 5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team.

2e Klasse B (Overijssel, Oost-Gelderland)

NB: at the end of October, Robur et Velocitas (Apeldoorn) were mentioned
    as possible entrants in this competition, but instead they entered
    the nebulous "Competitie De Boer" with the reserve sides of U.D. and
    Zutphania; instead S.I.O.D. joined during November 1896.

Final Table:

 1.U.D. (Deventer)                6   6  0  0  31- 2  12  Test Match
 2.Zutphania (Zutphen)            6   3  0  3   9-16   6
 3.S.I.O.D. (Kampen)              6   2  0  4  10-14   4
 4.Tubantia (Hengelo)             6   1  0  5   3-21   2

[Nov 8, 1896; Hengelo]
Tubantia            0-8 U.D.                

[Nov 22, 1896; Deventer]
U.D.                8-0 Zutphania           

[Dec 6, 1896; Zutphen]
Zutphania           4-2 S.I.O.D.            

[Jan 10, 1897; Kampen]
S.I.O.D.            3-0 Tubantia            
  [match played under protest (by both clubs) because consul had deemed ground
   unfit for playing; Tubantia travelled regardless due to a misunderstanding;
   protests apparently retracted in April as the result was included in tables
   published from Apr 21 onwards and the match was never refixtured (it may be
   assumed S.I.O.D. were happy to have won and Tubantia did not relish another
   trip to Kampen); however, it was not reported in the season overview which
   was published on May 29 in the "Nederlandsche Sport" and contained a number
   of other omissions (1,2) and errors (1,2,3,4)]

[Feb 28, 1897; Kampen]
S.I.O.D.            1-0 Zutphania           

[Mar 7, 1897; Kampen]
S.I.O.D.            1-4 U.D.                

[Mar 14, 1897; Deventer]
U.D.                3-0 Tubantia            

[Mar 21, 1897; Hengelo]
Tubantia            3-2 S.I.O.D.            

[Mar 28, 1897; Deventer]
U.D.                3-1 S.I.O.D.            
  [result usually given as 4-1; however, both clubs reported it as 3-1 in the
   Mar 31 issue of "De Athleet" (the official means of publication for both
   of them); U.D. explicitly mentioned they had withdrawn a protest regarding
   their (disallowed) fourth goal; nevertheless, the season overview in the
   May 29 issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport" wrongly gave the result as 4-1;
   it should be noted the same overview contained a number of other errors
   (1,2,3) and omissions (1,2,3)]

[Mar 28, 1897; Zutphen]
Zutphania           3-0 Tubantia            

[Apr 11, 1897; Zutphen]
Zutphania           awd U.D.                [awarded 0-5, Zutphania forfeited]

[May 2, 1897; Hengelo]
Tubantia            0-2 Zutphania           

Final Table:

 1.U.D. (Deventer)                6   6  0  0  31- 2  12  Test Match
 2.Zutphania (Zutphen)            6   3  0  3   9-16   6
 3.S.I.O.D. (Kampen)              6   2  0  4  10-14   4
 4.Tubantia (Hengelo)             6   1  0  5   3-21   2

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            UD  Zut SIO Tub                 HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
U.D.        xxx 8-0 3-1 3-0                  3  3  0  0  14- 1   6    3  3  0  0  17- 1   6
Zutphania   0a5 xxx 4-2 3-0                  3  2  0  1   7- 7   4    3  1  0  2   2- 9   2
S.I.O.D.    1-4 1-0 xxx 3-0                  3  2  0  1   5- 4   4    3  0  0  3   5-10   0
Tubantia    0-8 0-2 3-2 xxx                  3  1  0  2   3-12   2    3  0  0  3   0- 9   0
NB: 0a5 indicates match awarded 0-5 due to forfeit by home team.

Afdeeling 3 (Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe)

Final Table:

 1.Be Quick (Groningen)           4   2  2  0   7- 3   6
 2.Frisia (Leeuwarden)            4   1  2  1   6- 9   4
 3.Achilles (Assen)               4   1  0  3  10-11   2

[Nov 15, 1896; Assen]
Achilles A.         1-3 Be Quick            

[Nov 22, 1896; Leeuwarden]
Frisia              2-0 Achilles A.         

[Nov 29, 1896; Groningen]
Be Quick            0-0 Frisia              

[Feb 21, 1897; Groningen]
Be Quick            ppd Achilles A.         
  [not played due to inclement weather and the absence of the appointed referee;
   a friendly was played instead]

[Feb 28, 1897; Assen]
Achilles A.         8-3 Frisia              

[Mar 7, 1897; Groningen]
Be Quick            3-1 Achilles A.         

[Apr 4, 1897; Leeuwarden]
Frisia              1-1 Be Quick            

Final Table:

 1.Be Quick (Groningen)           4   2  2  0   7- 3   6
 2.Frisia (Leeuwarden)            4   1  2  1   6- 9   4
 3.Achilles (Assen)               4   1  0  3  10-11   2

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            BeQ Fri Ach                     HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Be Quick    xxx 0-0 3-1                      2  1  1  0   3- 1   3    2  1  1  0   4- 2   3
Frisia      1-1 xxx 2-0                      2  1  1  0   3- 1   3    2  0  1  1   3- 8   1
Achilles    1-3 8-3 xxx                      2  1  0  1   9- 6   2    2  0  0  2   1- 5   0

Afdeeling 4 (Noord-Brabant)

Final Table:

 1.Brabantia (Breda)              4   3  1  0   9- 2   7
 2.B.V.V. (Breda)                 4   2  0  2  14- 6   4
 3.Trap door (Helmond)            4   0  1  3   2-17   1

[Nov 15, 1896; Helmond]        
Trap door           1-1 Brabantia           

[Nov 29, 1896; Breda]
Brabantia           2-0 B.V.V.              

[Dec 6, 1896; Breda]
B.V.V.              8-1 Trap door           

[Feb 21, 1897; Breda]
B.V.V.              1-3 Brabantia           

[Mar 21, 1897; Breda]
Brabantia           3-0 Trap door           

[May 23, 1897; Helmond]
Trap door           awd B.V.V.              [awarded 0-5]
  [match not played as Trap door claimed not to have been notified of the match
   when B.V.V. and the referee showed up; the annual report of eerste secretaris
   Wijnands, presented at the general meeting on May 30, which credited B.V.V.
   with 4 points, strongly suggests Trap door were punished by a forfeit loss
   (the only possible ruling given that the match had been fixtured, a referee
   appointed, and the visitors travelled from Breda to the venue, whereas the
   hosts failed to show); cf. "De Athleet", May 26, 1897, p. 3, where under the
   heading "Trap door–B.V.V." the correspondent from Breda concludes cautiously:
   "In het andere geval, wanneer Tr. d. wèl bericht ontving en B.V.V. eenvoudig
   een poets speelde, dan is dit een handelwijze, die ik niet nader kwalificeren
   wil."; note that this match, like the Test Matches in Afdeeling 2, could
   not be included in the season overview published in the May 29 issue of the 
   "Nederlandsche Sport" because that had been compiled for publication a week
   earlier, in the May 22 issue, which included a 3-line notice that due to an
   excess of other material "het Overzicht over het voetbalseizoen 1896–1897"
   would be published later]

Final Table:

 1.Brabantia (Breda)              4   3  1  0   9- 2   7
 2.B.V.V. (Breda)                 4   2  0  2  14- 6   4
 3.Trap door (Helmond)            4   0  1  3   2-17   1

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            Bra BVV Tra                     HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Brabantia   xxx 2-0 3-0                      2  2  0  0   5- 0   4    2  1  1  0   4- 2   3
B.V.V.      1-3 xxx 8-1                      2  1  0  1   9- 4   2    2  1  0  1   5- 2   2
Trap door   1-1 0a5 xxx                      2  0  1  1   1- 6   1    2  0  0  2   1-11   0
NB: 0a5 indicates match awarded 0-5 due to forfeit by home team.


In addition to the four existing city federations in the west of the country, two new regional federations were formed, one in Gelderland (Geldersche Voetbal Bond, founded on Nov 7, 1896, with seat in Arnhem) and one for the northern provinces (Noordelijke Voetbalbond, founded in Meppel on Nov 1, 1896).

Amsterdam | Gelderland | Den Haag | Haarlem | Noorden | Rotterdam

A.V.B. (Amsterdamsche Voetbal Bond)

Eerste Klasse

Final Table:

 1.Quick (Amsterdam)              8   6  1  1  29-10  13
 2.Volharding (Amsterdam)         8   6  0  2  40-11  12
 3.Swift (Amsterdam)              8   5  1  2  39-16  11
 4.A.A.C. (Amsterdam)             8   1  0  7   9-30   2
 5.R.A.P. II (Amsterdam)          8   0  0  8   2-62   0  Test Match
NB: two more losses than wins and overall goal difference -10 as one match was
    awarded a 0-5 loss against both clubs;
    A.A.C. and Volharding also played in the Tweede Klasse of the N.V.B.

[Nov 1, 1896]
Volharding A.       7-2 A.A.C.              

[Nov 8, 1896]
Volharding A.       4-2 Swift A.            

[Nov 29, 1896]
Quick Adm.          2-0 A.A.C.              

[Dec 6, 1896]
R.A.P. II           2-4 Quick Adm.          

[Dec 20, 1896]
Volharding A.       0-2 Quick Adm.          

[Dec 25, 1896]
Volharding A.      13-0 R.A.P. II           

[Jan 10, 1897]
Swift A.            2-2 Quick Adm.          

[Jan 24, 1897]
Quick Adm.          6-2 Swift A.            

[Feb 21, 1897]
Swift A.            2-1 A.A.C.              

[Feb 28, 1897]
Quick Adm.          awd R.A.P. II           [awarded 5-0, R.A.P. II dns]
A.A.C.              1-3 Swift A.            

[Mar 14, 1897]
A.A.C.              1-1 Volharding A.       [annulled; replayed Apr 18]
  [match declared invalid as A.A.C. fielded six players of E.D.O.]
R.A.P. II           0-9 Swift A.            

[Mar 28, 1897]
Quick Adm.          2-4 Volharding A.       
R.A.P. II           awd A.A.C.              [awarded 0-5, R.A.P. II dns]

[Apr 4, 1897]
A.A.C.              awd R.A.P. II           [not played; awarded 0-5 against both]
  [instead of this match, A.A.C. hosted the Eerste Klasse title decider
   between R.A.P. and Rapiditas]

[Apr 11, 1897]
A.A.C.              0-6 Quick Adm.          
Swift A.           16-0 R.A.P. II           

[Apr 18, 1897]
A.A.C.              awd Volharding A.       [awarded 0-5, A.A.C. dns; replay Mar 14]

[Apr 19, 1897]
R.A.P. II           awd Volharding A.       [awarded 0-5, R.A.P. II dns]

[Apr 25, 1897]
Swift A.            3-2 Volharding A.       

Final Table:

 1.Quick (Amsterdam)              8   6  1  1  29-10  13
 2.Volharding (Amsterdam)         8   6  0  2  40-11  12
 3.Swift (Amsterdam)              8   5  1  2  39-16  11
 4.A.A.C. (Amsterdam)             8   1  0  7   9-30   2
 5.R.A.P. II (Amsterdam)          8   0  0  8   2-62   0  Test Match
NB: two more losses than wins and overall goal difference -10 as one match was
    awarded a 0-5 loss against both clubs;
    A.A.C. and Volharding also played in the Tweede Klasse of the N.V.B.

             Qui Vol Swi AAC  RAP
Quick        xxx 2-4 6-2 2-0  5a0
Volharding   0-2 xxx 4-2 7-2 13-0
Swift        2-2 3-2 xxx 2-1 16-0
A.A.C.       0-6 0a5 1-3 xxx  awd
R.A.P.       2-4 0a5 0-9 0a5  xxx
NB: home and away records not indicated as venues are not clear for all matches;
    awd indicated match awarded 0-5 loss against both clubs;
    5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team;
    0a5 indicates match awarded 0-5 due to forfeit by home team.

Test Match [Apr 25, 1897]
R.A.P. II           awd E.D.O.              [awarded 0-5, R.A.P. II dns]

NB: E.D.O. promoted, R.A.P. II relegated.

Tweede Klasse

Final Table :

 1.E.D.O. (Amsterdam)             8   7  1  0  41- 9  15  Test Match
 2.Herakles (Amsterdam)           8   5  1  2  36-17  11
 3.Volharding II (Amsterdam)      8   5  0  3  35-17  10
 4.U.n.I. II (Amsterdam)          8   1  0  7   7-32   2  [g.a.: 0.22]
 5.Quick II (Amsterdam)           8   1  0  7  10-54   2  [g.a.: 0.19]
 -.Swift II (Amsterdam)          withdrew; all results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          4   2  0  2  13- 9   4

[Nov 1, 1896]
Swift A. II         8-0 Quick II Adm.       [annulled]

[Nov 8, 1896]
U.n.I. II           1-2 Herakles            

[Nov 15, 1896]
Volharding A. II   14-0 Quick II Adm.       

[Nov 22, 1896]
U.n.I. II           4-1 Quick II Adm.       

[Nov 29, 1896]
Herakles            2-2 E.D.O.              

[Dec 6, 1896]
Volharding A. II    2-1 Herakles            

[Dec 13, 1896]
Herakles            0-3 Swift A. II         [annulled]
U.n.I. II           0-2 E.D.O.              

[Dec 20, 1896]
Swift A. II         2-4 E.D.O.              [annulled]

[Dec 26, 1896]
U.n.I. II           0-5 Volharding A. II    
E.D.O.              7-2 Herakles            

[Dec 27, 1896]
E.D.O.              7-2 U.n.I. II           

[Jan 3, 1897]
Swift A. II         awd Volharding A. II    [awarded 0-5, Swift II dns; annulled]
E.D.O.              7-0 Quick II Adm.       

[Jan 31, 1897]
Herakles            awd U.n.I. II           [awarded 5-0, U.n.I. II dns]
Quick II Adm.       2-6 E.D.O.              

[Feb 21, 1897]
Quick II Adm.       awd U.n.I. II           [awarded 5-0, U.n.I. II dns]

[Feb 28, 1897]
Volharding A. II    0-6 E.D.O.              

[Mar 7, 1897]
E.D.O.              4-1 Volharding A. II    

[without date]
Volharding A. II    awd U.n.I. II           [awarded 5-0, U.n.I. II forfeited]
  [match postponed on Jan 24 and not refixtured after U.n.I. II forfeited the
   match (the last they still had to play) at the beginning of March]

[Mar 14, 1897]
Herakles           13-2 Quick II Adm.       

[Mar 21, 1897]
Herakles            6-3 Volharding A. II    

[Apr 4, 1897]
Quick II Adm.       awd Volharding A. II    [awarded 0-5, Quick II forfeited]

[Apr 18, 1897]
Quick II Adm.       awd Herakles            [awarded 0-5, Quick II forfeited]

Final Table :

 1.E.D.O. (Amsterdam)             8   7  1  0  41- 9  15  Test Match
 2.Herakles (Amsterdam)           8   5  1  2  36-17  11
 3.Volharding II (Amsterdam)      8   5  0  3  35-17  10
 4.U.n.I. II (Amsterdam)          8   1  0  7   7-32   2  [g.a.: 0.22]
 5.Quick II (Amsterdam)           8   1  0  7  10-54   2  [g.a.: 0.19]
 -.Swift II (Amsterdam)          withdrew; all results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          4   2  0  2  13- 9   4

             EDO Her Vol UnI  Qui Swi
E.D.O.       xxx 7-2 4-1 7-2  7-0
Herakles     2-2 xxx 6-3 5a0 13-2 0-3
Volharding   0-6 2-1 xxx 5a0 14-0
U.n.I.       0-2 1-2 0-5 xxx  4-1
Quick        2-6 0a5 0a5 5a0  xxx
Swift        2-4     0a5      8-0 xxx
NB: annulled results against Swift II in italics;
    5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team;
    0a5 indicates match awarded 0-5 due to forfeit by home team.

Geld. V.B. (Geldersche Voetbal Bond)

Eerste Klasse

Final Table:

 1.Vitesse II (Arnhem)            6   5  0  1  22- 6  10
 2.Quick II (Nijmegen)             6   4  0  2  21-14   8
 3.Go Ahead II (Wageningen)       6   2  0  4  14-15   4
 4.Rapiditas (Dieren)             6   1  0  5   7-29   2

[Nov 22, 1896]
Vitesse A. II       6-2 Go Ahead II         

[Jan 17, 1897]
Go Ahead II         2-3 Quick N. II         
Vitesse A. II       5-1 Rapiditas D.        

[Feb 14, 1897]
Quick N. II         0-4 Vitesse A. II       

[Feb 21, 1897]
Quick N. II         9-0 Rapiditas D.        

[Feb 28, 1897]
Quick N. II         3-1 Go Ahead II         

[Mar 14, 1897]
Rapiditas D.        2-6 Quick N. II         

[Mar 21, 1897]
Rapiditas D.        3-2 Go Ahead II         

[Apr 4, 1897]
Go Ahead II         awd Rapiditas D.        [awarded 5-0, Rapiditas dns]
Vitesse A. II       0-1 Quick N. II         [annulled; replayed May 23]
  [Vitesse protested against Quick's goal for an alleged offside position;
   the protest commission, headed by Ch. Engelberts of Vitesse, ordered a
   replay (instead of deciding on the goal in question)]

[Apr 11, 1897]
Go Ahead II         2-0 Vitesse A. II       

[Apr 18, 1897]
Rapiditas D.        1-2 Vitesse A. II       [played in Arnhem]

[May 23, 1897]
Vitesse A. II       awd Quick N. II         [awarded 5-0, Quick forfeited; replay Apr 4]

Final Table:

 1.Vitesse II (Arnhem)            6   5  0  1  22- 6  10
 2.Quick II (Nijmegen)             6   4  0  2  21-14   8
 3.Go Ahead II (Wageningen)       6   2  0  4  14-15   4
 4.Rapiditas (Dieren)             6   1  0  5   7-29   2

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            Vit Qui GoA Rap                 HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Vitesse     xxx 5a0 6-2 5-1                  4  4  0  0  18- 4   8    2  1  0  1   4- 2   4
Quick N.    0-4 xxx 3-1 9-0                  3  2  0  1  12- 5   4    3  2  0  1   9- 9   4
Go Ahead    2-0 2-3 xxx 5a0                  3  2  0  1   9- 3   4    3  0  0  3   5-12   0
Rapiditas   1-2 2-6 3-2 xxx                  2  1  0  1   5- 8   2    4  0  0  4   2-21   0
NB: both matches between Vitesse II and Rapiditas were played in Arnhem; this is reflected
    in the home/away records;
    5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team.

Tweede Klasse

Final Table:

 1.Vitesse III (Arnhem)           4   3  1  0  10- 2   7
 2.Victoria II (Wageningen)       4   1  1  2   6- 8   3
 3.Go Ahead III (Wageningen)      4   1  0  3   4-10   2

[Dec 6, 1896] 
Victoria II         2-3 Go Ahead III        

[Feb 28, 1897]
Vitesse A. III      4-2 Victoria II         

[Mar 14, 1897]
Go Ahead III        0-1 Vitesse A. III      

[Mar 28, 1897]
Victoria II         0-0 Vitesse A. III      

[Apr 11, 1897]
Go Ahead III        1-2 Victoria II         

[May 2, 1897]
Vitesse A. III      awd Go Ahead III        [awarded 5-0, Go Ahead III dns]

Final Table:

 1.Vitesse III (Arnhem)           4   3  1  0  10- 2   7
 2.Victoria II (Wageningen)       4   1  1  2   6- 8   3
 3.Go Ahead III (Wageningen)      4   1  0  3   4-10   2

Cross-Table:                                     home records:            away records:
            Vit Vic GoA                     HP HW HD HL  HF HA HPts  AP AW AD AL  AF AA APts
Vitesse     xxx 4-2 5a0                      2  2  0  0   9- 2   4    2  1  1  0   1- 0   3
Victoria    0-0 xxx 2-3                      2  0  1  1   2- 3   1    2  1  0  1   4- 5   2
Go Ahead    0-1 1-2 xxx                      2  0  0  2   1- 3   0    2  1  0  1   3- 7   2
NB: 5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team.

H.V.B. (Haagsche Voetbal Bond)

Eerste Klasse

Final Table:

 1.Ajax (Leiden)                 10   8  1  1  41-11  17
 2.H.V.V. II (Den Haag)          10   7  1  2  30-14  15
 3.H.G.V. (Den Haag)             10   6  1  3  36-15  13
 4.H.B.S. II (Den Haag)          10   3  2  5  24-29   8
 5.Hector (Den Haag)             10   2  0  8  13-32   4
 6.Hollandia (Den Haag)          10   1  1  8  12-55   3  Test Match
NB: H.G.V. also played in the Tweede Klasse of the N.V.B.

[Sep 27, 1896]
H.G.V.             13-0 Hollandia DH        

[Oct 4, 1896]
Hollandia DH        0-2 Ajax                
H.V.V. II           1-0 Hector              

[Oct 11, 1896]
Ajax                7-1 H.B.S. II           
H.G.V.              4-0 Hector              

[Oct 18, 1896]
H.V.V. II          10-2 Hollandia DH        
H.B.S. II           1-6 Hector              

[Nov 1, 1896]
H.B.S. II           2-2 H.V.V. II           
Hector              4-1 Hollandia DH        

[Nov 15, 1896]
H.B.S. II           2-1 H.G.V.              
Hector              2-6 Ajax                

[Nov 22, 1896]
Hollandia DH        0-7 H.V.V. II           

[Nov 29, 1896]
H.B.S. II           2-2 Hollandia DH        
H.G.V.              4-4 Ajax                

[Dec 6, 1896]
Hector              1-5 H.G.V.              

[Dec 20, 1896]
Hollandia DH        awd Hector              [awarded 5-0, Hector dns]

[Dec 27, 1896]
Hector              0-2 H.V.V. II           
H.B.S. II           1-3 Ajax                

[Jan 1, 1897]
H.V.V. II           3-1 H.B.S. II           

[Jan 3, 1897]
H.V.V. II           3-2 Ajax                

[Feb 21, 1897]
Ajax                5-0 Hector              

[Feb 28, 1897]
Ajax                4-0 Hollandia DH        

[Mar 21, 1897]
Ajax                4-0 H.G.V.              
Hector              0-2 H.B.S. II           

[Mar 28, 1897]
Hollandia DH       2-10 H.B.S. II           
H.G.V.              2-0 H.V.V. II           

[Apr 4, 1897] 
Hollandia DH        0-3 H.G.V.              

[Apr 11, 1897]
Ajax                4-0 H.V.V. II           

[Apr 16, 1897]
H.G.V.              3-2 H.B.S. II           

[Apr 19, 1897]
H.V.V. II           2-1 H.G.V.              

Final Table:

 1.Ajax (Leiden)                 10   8  1  1  41-11  17
 2.H.V.V. II (Den Haag)          10   7  1  2  30-14  15
 3.H.G.V. (Den Haag)             10   6  1  3  36-15  13
 4.H.B.S. II (Den Haag)          10   3  2  5  24-29   8
 5.Hector (Den Haag)             10   2  0  8  13-32   4
 6.Hollandia (Den Haag)          10   1  1  8  12-55   3  Test Match
NB: H.G.V. also played in the Tweede Klasse of the N.V.B.

            Aja HVV HGV HBS  Hec  Hol
Ajax        xxx 4-0 4-0 7-1  5-0  4-0
H.V.V.      3-2 xxx 2-1 3-1  1-0 10-2
H.G.V.      4-4 2-0 xxx 3-2  4-0 13-0
H.B.S.      1-3 2-2 2-1 xxx  1-6  2-2
Hector      2-6 0-2 1-5 0-2  xxx  4-1
Hollandia   0-2 0-7 0-3 2-10 5a0  xxx
NB: 5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team.

Test Match [May 2, 1897]
Hollandia DH        0-1 Swift DH            

NB: Swift promoted; Ajax II, who had "lost" first place in the Tweede Klasse due
    to the withdrawal of Hector II, had also been given the right by the board of
    the H.V.B. to play a Test Match, but appear to have declined to do so.

Tweede Klasse


 1.Swift (Den Haag)               8   7  0  1  40- 6  14  Test Match  [g.a.: 6.67]
 2.Ajax II (Leiden)               8   7  0  1  31- 7  14              [g.a.: 4.43]
 3.H.G.V. II (Den Haag)           7   3  0  4   5-21   6
 4.Hollandia II (Den Haag)        8   2  0  6   9-31   4
 5.H.B.S. III (Den Haag)          7   0  0  7   6-26   0
 -.Hector II (Den Haag)           withdrew; results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          8   0  2  6   5-34   2
 -.H.V.V. adspiranten (Den Haag)  withdrew; results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          3   0  0  3   0-37   0
NB: result final match (H.B.S. III-H.G.V. II, fixtured for Apr 18) not known;
    standings as given by the H.V.B. in the Apr 21, 1897 issue of "De Athleet"
    except that there the goal record of H.B.S. III was erroneously listed as
    6-36; results and standings published during the season suggest that it
    may contain other errors in the goal records of some clubs (but not for
    the top two); prior to the withdrawal of Hector II, Ajax II had already
    won the competition ahead of Swift on goal average (both 18 points, goal
    average Ajax II 46:7 = 6.57; goal average Swift 51:9 = 5.67).

Hrl. V.B. (Haarlemsche Voetbal Bond)

Eerste Klasse

Table (Apr 4):

 1.Unitas (Haarlem)               3   2  0  1  16- 4   4
 2.Ripperda (Haarlem)             2   2  0  0  10- 3   4
 3.Sophiadal (Haarlem)            3   0  0  3   0-19   0
 -.Excelsior (Haarlem)            withdrew; all results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          4   0  1  3   3-21   1
NB: results last two matches Ripperda not known.

[Oct 24, 1896]
Sophiadal           0-6 Unitas H.           

[Nov 14, 1896]
Ripperda           12-0 Excelsior           [annulled]

[Nov 22, 1896]
Excelsior           2-5 Unitas H.           [annulled]

[Feb 27, 1897]
Unitas H.           7-0 Sophiadal           

[Feb 28, 1897]
Excelsior           1-1 Ripperda            [annulled]

[Mar 7, 1897]
Unitas H.           3-0 Excelsior           [annulled]

[Mar 27, 1897]
Ripperda            4-3 Unitas H.           

NB: Excelsior withdrew, all results annulled.

[Apr 3, 1897]
Ripperda            6-0 Sophiadal           

Table (Apr 4):

 1.Unitas (Haarlem)               3   2  0  1  16- 4   4
 2.Ripperda (Haarlem)             2   2  0  0  10- 3   4
 3.Sophiadal (Haarlem)            3   0  0  3   0-19   0
 -.Excelsior (Haarlem)            withdrew; all results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          4   0  1  3   3-21   1
NB: results last two matches Ripperda not known.

Tweede Klasse

Final Table:

 1.Hollandia (Haarlem)            4   4  0  0  32- 1   8
 2.Sophiadal II (Haarlem)         4   1  0  3   7-15   2
 3.Unitas II (Haarlem)            4   1  0  3   6-29   2

[Oct 24, 1896]
Hollandia H.        7-0 Unitas H. II        

[Nov 21, 1896]
Unitas H. II       0-16 Hollandia H.        

[Nov 28, 1896]
Hollandia H.        1-0 Sophiadal II        [after protest, originally 1-1]

[Dec 19, 1896]
Sophiadal II        5-2 Unitas H. II        

[Feb 20?, 1897]
Hollandia H.        8-1 Sophiadal II        

[Mar 6, 1897]
Unitas H. II        4-1 Sophiadal II        

Final Table:

 1.Hollandia (Haarlem)            4   4  0  0  32- 1   8
 2.Sophiadal II (Haarlem)         4   1  0  3   7-15   2
 3.Unitas II (Haarlem)            4   1  0  3   6-29   2

N.V.B. (Noordelijke Voetbal Bond)

NB: at a meeting on Jan 9, 1897 in Assen, the four member teams were divided
    over two sections, as follows:

   Achilles II (Assen)
   Be Quick II (Groningen)

   Go-on (Fredriksoord)
   M.F.C. (Meppel)

However, M.F.C. withdrew before having played a match, and no matches appear
to have been played between Achilles II and Be Quick II (apart from a friendly
in Assen, before the official start of the competition, on Dec 6, 1896).

Eerste Klasse


 1.Be Quick II (Groningen)        2   1  1  0   3- 2   3
 2.Go-on (Fredriksoord)           2   0  1  1   2- 3   1
 -.Achilles II (Assen)            0   0  0  0   0- 0   0
 -.M.F.C. (Meppel)                withdrew before playing a match
NB: it is not known whether any further matches were played.

[Mar 14, 1897; Frederiksoord]
Go-on               2-2 Be Quick II         

[Mar 28, 1897; Groningen]
Be Quick II         1-0 Go-on               


 1.Be Quick II (Groningen)        2   1  1  0   3- 2   3
 2.Go-on (Fredriksoord)           2   0  1  1   2- 3   1
 -.Achilles II (Assen)            0   0  0  0   0- 0   0
 -.M.F.C. (Meppel)                withdrew before playing a match
NB: it is not known whether any further matches were played.

R.V.B. (Rotterdamsche Voetbal Bond)

Eerste Klasse

Final Table:

 1.Neptunus (Rotterdam)           6   5  1  0  20- 4  11
 2.Celeritas (Rotterdam)          6   4  1  1  21- 8   9
 3.Victoria II (Rotterdam)        6   1  0  5   8-18   2  [g.a.: 0.44]
 4.Sparta II (Rotterdam)          6   1  0  5   7-26   2  [g.a.: 0.27]
NB: Celeritas and Neptunus also played in the Tweede Klasse of the N.V.B.

[Nov 15, 1896]
Neptunus            5-1 Victoria R. II      [annulled after protest Victoria II]

[Nov 29, 1896]
Celeritas R.        2-2 Neptunus            

[Dec 6, 1896]
Sparta R. II        5-2 Victoria R. II      

[Dec 25, 1896]
Neptunus            abd Celeritas R.        [replayed Feb 21]

[Dec 27, 1896]
Sparta R. II        1-5 Celeritas R.        

[Jan 3, 1897]
Neptunus            3-1 Victoria R. II      [replay Nov 15]

[Feb 21, 1897]
Neptunus            2-2 Celeritas R.        [replay Dec 25; annulled after protest Neptunus]
Victoria R. II      4-1 Sparta R. II        

[Feb 28, 1897]
Victoria R. II      0-1 Neptunus            

[Mar 7, 1897]
Victoria R. II      0-3 Celeritas R.        

[Mar 21, 1897]
Neptunus            4-1 Celeritas R.        [replay Feb 21]

[Mar 28, 1897]
Celeritas R.        5-1 Victoria R. II      
Sparta R. II        0-5 Neptunus            

[Apr 4, 1897]
Celeritas R.        awd Sparta R. II        [awarded 5-0, Sparta II dns]

[Ar 11, 1897]
Neptunus            awd Sparta R. II        [awarded 5-0, Sparta II dns]

Final Table:

 1.Neptunus (Rotterdam)           6   5  1  0  20- 4  11
 2.Celeritas (Rotterdam)          6   4  1  1  21- 8   9
 3.Victoria II (Rotterdam)        6   1  0  5   8-18   2  [g.a.: 0.44]
 4.Sparta II (Rotterdam)          6   1  0  5   7-26   2  [g.a.: 0.27]
NB: Celeritas and Neptunus also played in the Tweede Klasse of the N.V.B.

            Nep Cel Vic Spa
Neptunus    xxx 4-1 3-1 5a0
Celeritas   2-2 xxx 5-1 5a0
Victoria    0-1 0-3 xxx 4-1
Sparta      0-5 1-5 5-2 xxx
NB: 5a0 indicates match awarded 5-0 due to forfeit by away team.

Tweede Klasse

Final Table:

 1.Katendrecht                   10   6  4  0  16- 5  17
 2.Celeritas II (Rotterdam)      10   5  3  2  11- 8  13
 3.Volharding (Rotterdam)        10   4  2  4  15-11  10  [g.a.: 1.36]
 4.Unitas (Rotterdam)            10   5  0  5  14-12  10  [g.a.: 1.17]
 5.Vitesse (Rotterdam)           10   2  3  5  15-18   7
 6.Rapiditas II (Rotterdam)      10   1  2  7   7-24   4  Test Match
 -.Neptunus II (Rotterdam)       withdrew; results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          5   1  0  4   5-20   2 
 -.R.F.C. (Rotterdam)            withdrew; results annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          6   2  1  3   9-21   5
NB: standings as given by the R.V.B. in the May 19, 1897 issue of "De Athleet";
    results and standings published during the season suggest it may contain
    errors in the goal records of some clubs.

Test Match [Apr 25, 1897]
Rapiditas R. II     3-1 Olympia R.          

NB: Rapiditas II remain in Tweede Klasse, Olympia in Derde Klasse; however, 
    the R.V.B. restructured its competition for the next season; Katendrecht,
    Celeritas II and Volharding were all promoted to the Eerste Klasse; at
    the beginning of November 1897, Rapiditas II were added as well (Unitas
    and Vitesse had withdrew from the R.V.B.), while Olympia, Neptunus II,
    Victoria III, and the three new entrants Katendrecht II, Volharding II
    and Celeritas III formed the Tweede Klasse for 1897/98. 

Derde Klasse A

Final Table:

 1.Olympia (Rotterdam)            6   6  0  0  33- 0  12  Final
 2.Victoria III (Rotterdam)       6   3  1  2  11-12   7
 3.Athene (Rotterdam)             6   1  2  3   7-19   4
 4.Achilles (Rotterdam)           6   0  1  5   4-24   1
NB: standings as given by the R.V.B. in the May 19, 1897 issue of "De Athleet";
    results and standings published during the season suggest it may contain
    errors in the goal records of some clubs.

Derde Klasse B

Final Table:

 1.Celeritas III (Rotterdam)      2   2  0  0  10- 4   4  Final
 2.Vitesse II (Rotterdam)         2   0  0  2   4-10   0
 -.R.F.C. II (Rotterdam)         withdrew; result annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          1   0  0  1   0- 3   0
 -.Unitas II (Rotterdam)         withdrew; result annulled;
   record at withdrawal:          1   0  0  1   2- 3   0

Final [Apr 11, 1897]
Olympia R.          bt  Celeritas R. III    

NB: Olympia qualified for Test Match.

Other Available Match Results

NB: includes matches by reserve sides; additional information is welcome.

[Sep 28, 1896; Tilburg]
Tilburgia          0-14 Brabantia           

[Oct 4, 1896; Wageningen]
Victoria W.         3-0 Go Ahead II         

[Oct 11, 1896; Den Haag]
H.B.S.              3-1 Celeritas R.        

[Oct 18, 1896; Enschede]
Prinses Wilhelmina  6-1 Tubantia            
[Oct 18, 1896; N%#307;megen]
Quick N.            2-2 Quick Step          
[Oct 18, 1896; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           4-1 Victoria R.         
[Oct 18, 1896; Tilburg]
Tilburgia           1-6 Brabantia           
[Oct 18, 1896; Wageningen]
Victoria W. III    16-0 Cunera              

[Oct 25, 1896; Amersfoort]
Quick Amf.          2-0 Victoria W.         
[Oct 25, 1896; Amsterdam]
Herakles            5-4 E.D.O.              
[Oct 25, 1896; Deventer]
U.D. II             3-2 Robur et Velocitas  
  [part of "Competitie De Boer", for which only one other result is known]
[Oct 25, 1896; Den Haag]
H.G.V.              3-0 Ajax                
H.V.V.              1-2 H.V.V. II           
[Oct 25, 1896; Rotterdam]
Neptunus            7-0 Rapiditas R. II     

[Nov 1, 1896; Assen]
Achilles A.         6-3 Be Quick            
[Nov 1, 1896; Haarlem]
Haarlem            12-2 H.F.C.              
  [a warning of things to come]
[Nov 1, 1896; Rotterdam]
Victoria R.         6-2 Rapiditas R.        
[Nov 1, 1896; Utrecht]
Hercules U.        14-0 Olympia G.          
[Nov 1, 1896; Wageningen]
Victoria W.         8-1 Quick Amf.          

[Nov 8, 1896; Arnhem]
Vitesse A.         14-0 Zutphania           
[Nov 8, 1896; Eindhoven]
E.V.C.              1-1 Tilburgia           

[Nov 15, 1896; Tilburg]
Tilburgia II        1-6 N.O.A.D. II         

[Nov 22, 1896; Nijmegen]
Quick N.            8-0 Quick N. II         
[Nov 22, 1896; venue uncertain]
Tilburgia           0-3 Victoria DB         
[Nov 22, 1896; Wageningen]
Victoria W. II      3-0 Quick Amf. II       

[Dec 6, 1896; Assen]
Achilles A. II      3-1 Be Quick II         

[Dec 20, 1896; Gorinchem]
Gorcum              1-5 Dordrecht           
[Dec 20, 1896; Rotterdam]
Rapiditas R.        3-0 Celeritas R.        

[Dec 26, 1896; Hilversum]
't Gooi             5-2 Quick Adm.          
[Dec 26, 1896; Schiedam]
Hermes              3-1 Concordia           
[Dec 26, 1896; Tilburg]
Tilburgia           0-6 N.O.A.D.            
[Dec 26, 1896; venue uncertain]
Olympia M.          4-1 B.V.V.              

[Dec 27, 1896; Hilversum]
't Gooi             3-2 Wijnands XI          
  [visitors were a team formed for the occasion by L.J. Wijnands]
[Dec 27, 1896; venue uncertain]
Victoria DB         0-2 N.O.A.D.            

[Jan 2, 1897; Bergen op Zoom]
Unitas BZ           2-0 N.O.A.D.            
[Jan 2, 1897; Den Haag]
H.G.V. II           1-1 Concordia           

[Jan 3, 1897; Tilburg]
Tilburgia           8-0 E.V.C.              
[Jan 3, 1897; venue uncertain]
Victoria DB        11-1 Olympia Z.          

[Jan 10, 1897; Breda]
N.O.A.D. II         0-3 Tilburgia II        
Brabantia           7-0 Tilburgia           
[Jan 10, 1897; Eindhoven]
E.V.C.              1-1 Trap door           

[Jan 17, 1897; Breda]
Brabantia           0-0 N.O.A.D.            
[Jan 17, 1897; Dordrecht]
Dordrecht II        2-1 Hercules D.         
[Jan 17, 1897; Utrecht]
Hercules U.         2-1 Quick Amf.          
  [played instead of league match]

[Jan 24, 1897; Tilburg]
Tilburgia           0-2 B.V.V.              

[Feb 7, 1897; Bergen op Zoom]
Unitas BZ          12-0 Neerlandia          

[Feb 14, 1897; Dordrecht]
Hercules D.         4-5 Dordrecht II        

[Feb 21, 1897; Tiel]
Voorwaarts          0-3 Gorcum              

[Feb 28, 1897; Breda]
N.O.A.D.            4-2 Olympia M.          
[Feb 28, 1897; Dordrecht]
Dordrecht           2-2 Katendrecht         

[Feb 21, 1897; Groningen]
Be Quick            1-0 Achilles A.         
  [played instead of league match]

[Mar 6, 1897; Den Haag]
H.G.V.              4-1 Sportclub Noorthey  

[Mar 7, 1897; Bergen op Zoom]
Unitas BZ           1-0 Olympia M.          
  [played instead of a match against Antwerp, who had cancelled at short notice]
[Mar 7, 1897; Breda]
N.O.A.D.            3-0 Snel                

[Mar 14, 1897; Breda]
N.O.A.D.            0-1 B.V.V.              
[Mar 14, 1897; Den Haag]
Victoria DH         0-0 Concordia           

[Mar 20, 1897; Voorschoten]
Sportclub Noorthey  1-4 Concordia           

[Mar 21, 1897; Deventer]
U.D. II             3-2 Zutphania II        
  [part of "Competitie De Boer", for which only one other result is known]
[Mar 21, 1897; Gorinchem]
Gorcum              2-3 Dordrecht           

Varsity Match [Mar 26, 1897; Malieveld, Den Haag]
D.S.V.V.            n/p L.S.F.C.            
  [cancelled at the request of D.S.V.V.]

[Apr 4, 1897; Breda]
B.V.V.              2-0 Tilburgia           
[Apr 4, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           2-0 Brabant XI          
  [the visitors were a combination of Brabantia, B.V.V. and Trap door, representing
   Afdeeling 4; played instead of Sparta's league match against H.F.C.]

[Apr 11, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           5-3 U.n.I.              
  [played instead of Sparta's league match against Rapiditas]
[Apr 11, 1897; venue uncertain]
Quick N. III        9-0 Celeritas A.        

[Apr 18, 1897; Deventer]
U.D.                1-1 Rapiditas R.        

[Apr 19, 1897; Deventer]
Oostelijk XI         2-4 Rapiditas R.        

[May 2, 1897; Amsterdam]
Quick Adm.          3-1 Swift A.            

[Jun 13, 1897; venue uncertain]
Sparta W.           3-1 Look out            

International Activity

Visit British Ladies' Football-Club

At the end of June 1896, H.V.V. reported it had received a letter, sent from Wexford (Ireland), with the request to arrange a match between "Local Gentlemen" and the British Ladies' F.C. at the end of August or the beginning of September. The posh club from the residentie declined to do so, clearly considering such a spectacle far below their dignity; however, Sparta had also received such a letter and were more than happy to use this opportunity to generate some income, arranging a match for Aug 30 in Rotterdam.
When the N.V.B. got wind of that, eerste voorzitter F.H. van Leeuwen published a warning, in the Aug 22 issue of the "Nederlandsche Sport", stating that matches against the British Ladies would damage the reputation of the game of football and were therefore in violation of the N.V.B. regulations, consequently forbidding all federation members to participate in such events, under penalty of disqualification for the upcoming season.
Then, of course, Sparta cancelled the match, but demanded restitution from the N.V.B. for costs incurred in advertising and other "arrangements", amounting to 13 guilders and 85 cents. The board refused to comply and were (narrowly) supported in this stance by the Algemeene Vergadering held on Oct 11 in Arnhem, which rejected Sparta's request for compensation by 20 votes to 19 (and one abstention).

[Aug 30, 1896; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           n/p British Ladies' F.C.
  [cancelled after Sparta had been threatened with disqualification by the N.V.B.]
Visit Handelschule F.V.

After Prinses Wilhelmina's trip to Osnabrück in February, the school side paid a return visit at the end of October. It appears their team did not include any German players.

[Oct 25, 1896; Enschede]
Prinses Wilhelmina 11-0 Handelschule F.V.   
  [half-time: 5-0]
  [PW: Blijdenstein; J. Scholten, J. Blijdenstein; A. Beltman, Wurfbain, H. Beltman;
       H. Blijdenstein, J. Stroink, Jannink (c), H. Beltman, van Rossum;
   HFV: Salberg; Lijsen, Ter Horst; L. Regniers, v.d. Made, Fonteijn;
        Felix Berk (c), B. Berk, Vlies, Kleveringa, A. Regniers;
   ref: Dijxhoorn]
Antwerp/Rotterdam matches

As in the 1895/96 season, only Victoria travelled to Antwerp; the Belgians (and Britons) did not pay a return visit.

[Dec 20, 1896; Antwerpen]
Antwerp F.C.        5-0 Victoria R.         
Visit "English Wanderers"

The visiting side consisted of players from various clubs and was assembled by Charles Craven from Maidstone, who had also been in charge of the tours of Maidstone F.C. in 1894 and 1895 and that of the English Wanderers in 1896.
At the occasion of this tour, Charles Craven became an honorary member of the N.V.B.

[Mar 27, 1897; Arnhem]
Oostelijk XI         1-2 English Wanderers   

[Mar 28, 1897; Heemstede]
Bondselftal         2-6 English Wanderers   
  [Bult, Bernicke; Van Hasselt (og), other scorers for Wanderers unknown; half-time: 1-3]
  [N.V.B.: W. Coops (H.V.V.); J.A. v.d. Linde (c) (R.A.P.), C.W. van Hasselt (Sparta R.);
           J.C. Bernicke (Victoria R.), J. Stok Gzn. (Sparta R.), A.H. Putman Cramer (H.F.C.);
           G. Zweerts (R.A.P.), J. Elias (R.A.P.), F.W. Bult (R.A.P.; English national), 
           Roqué (Vitesse A.), K. v. Holten (Sparta R.);
   English Wanderers: E.W. Sutton; I. Mendel, H.R. Bramley; L. Clarke, T. Smith, A.R. Wilson;
                      V. Hewetson, B.H.V. King, G.G.V. Rule, F.W. Mander, W.R. Barber]

[Mar 29, 1897; Willemspark, Amsterdam]
R.A.P.              3-2 English Wanderers   

[Mar 30, 1897; Rotterdam]
Universiteiten XI   2-5 English Wanderers   

[Mar 31, 1897; Clingendaal, Den Haag]
H.V.V.              2-4 English Wanderers   

[Apr 1, 1897; Rotterdam]
Sparta R.           1-3 English Wanderers   

[Apr 2, 1897; Leiden]
Universiteiten XI   1-5 English Wanderers   
Sparta trip to England

Sparta used the Easter holidays for their fourth ever trip to England, after those in the spring of 1893, 1894 and 1895.

[Apr 16, 1897; Colchester]
Colchester F.C.     3-3 Sparta R.           

[Apr 17, 1897; Ipswich]
Ipswich Town F.C.  10-0 Sparta R.           

[Apr 19, 1897; Grays]
Grays United F.C.   4-0 Sparta R.           



list of champions.

list of first class champions.

list of second level champions.

About this document

Main sources: "Nederlandsche Sport" and "De Athleet" (available through Delpher)

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans (
Last updated: 29 Dec 2023

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2023
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.