
The Introduction Page of the RSSSF -- The Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation.

RSSSF Brazil
RSSSF Norway
RSSSF Albania
RSSSF Poland
RSSSF Romania
GIEFI Uruguay
Football Squads
Estadísticas de Fútbol

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    The Introduction Page of the RSSSF

    R.S.S.S.F. stands for Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation. It was originally founded as NERSSSF (for Northern European Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation) in January 1994 by three regular contributors to the rec.sport.soccer newsgroup, namely, in alphabetical order, Lars Aarhus, maintainer of a fabulous archive on Norwegian football, Kent Hedlundh, organiser of the annual "RSS-Player of the Year" vote, and Karel Stokkermans, once regular poster of scores from (mostly) Eastern European leagues, and current maintainer of the RSSSF Archive. In the beginning of December 1994, we were joined by the then DSFS Vice President and maintainer of the ultimate WWW-page on German football, Bernd Timmermann.

    Since December 1994, we have been making league tables and all other kind of statistical information on football and its history, which we have been collecting for years, available through this archive - first announced on rec.sport.soccer.

    The URL was improved in steps; the first address change was announced in 1997 and since spring 2000 the archive is located at http://www.rsssf.com/archive.html.

    Since the introduction of this WWW-page, RSSSF membership has dramatically increased, as can be seen from the list below. Clearly the restriction to a specific region had to be dropped, so the name has been shortened to simply RSSSF, the "Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation". The first four members were joined by Søren Florin Elbech, organizer of the first In Real Life Meeting on May 18, 1997, to form the "Board", which decides on applications for membership and such issues.

    At the end of October 1998, the Danish branch of RSSSF became Dansk Boldspil-Unions Officielle Leverandør af Statistisk Materiale; it can now be found as: danskfodbold.com.

    In July 2000, a further 'local' section was formed with RSSSF Brazil. Logo

    In July 2021, a number of RSSSF members and contributors from the CONCACAF region established the ANCCIF (Asociación Norte, Centroamericana y del Caribe de Investigadores del Fútbol), with Steven Torres as President and Erik Lugo as General Secretary.

    Our major goal is collecting all kind of statistics, in particular league tables from all over the world, on football, and making this information available to those sharing our interest. Moreover, those statistics should be as reliable as possible, which means that our ultimate goal is to have correspondents from (and better yet in) the countries involved.

    New members are therefore in principle welcome if:

    If you have more detailed data on competitions which are already covered, we may be interested in co-operation; likewise if you have data which cannot immediately be classified as results or tables, subject to the discretion of the Board.

    If you are interested in becoming a member, please follow the following procedure:

    Your application will then be dealt with by the Board at its earliest convenience.

    We welcome all comments on the tables in the archive - be it on spelling of club names, additional information, or simply corrections; please direct them to karel.rsssf@gmail.com.

    There are extensive profiles of some of the RSSSF Members.

    The RSSSF Board currently consists of Karel Stokkermans (President), Lars Aarhus (Secretary General), Bernd Timmermann (Public Relations Manager), and Søren Florin Elbech (Chancellor of the Exchequer). Founder member and Vice President Kent Hedlundh died in February 2017. R.I.P.

    All current RSSSF Members, in alphabetical order, together with their e-mail addresses and topics on which they admit a measure of specialization:

    For any question on football statistics, feel free to select the "closest" specialist from the above list and send an e-mail (please replace ' at ' by @).

    After existing for more than twenty five years it is perhaps unavoidable some of the RSSSF members or regular contributors have left us forever.

    In memoriam:

    Additionally, former members who have meanwhile lost e-mail access or the time to contribute to the archive; they have helped significantly in making the archive what it currently is:

    RSSSF Brazil
    RSSSF Norway
    RSSSF Albania
    RSSSF Poland
    RSSSF Romania
    GIEFI Uruguay
    Football Squads
    Estadísticas de Fútbol

    About this document

    Many thanks to RISC-Linz for making resources available for this archive in the past.

    List of sources used for the RSSSF Archive

    Prepared and maintained by the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

    Author: RSSSF (karel.rsssf@gmail.com)
    Last updated: 19 Sep 2024

    (C) Copyright RSSSF 1999/2024
    You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the RSSSF. All rights reserved.