Switzerland 2022/23

Super League
Challenge League
Promotion League

Super League

Final Table:

 1.BSC Young Boys Bern     36  21 11  4  82-30  74       Champions
 2.Servette FC (Genève)    36  14 16  6  53-48  58
 3.FC Lugano               36  15 12  9  59-47  57
 4.FC Luzern               36  13 11 12  56-52  50
 5.FC Basel                36  11 14 11  51-50  47
 6.FC Sankt Gallen         36  11 12 13  66-52  45
 7.Grasshopper-Club Zürich 36  12  8 16  56-64  44
 8.FC Zürich               36  10 14 12  41-55  44  [C]
 9.FC Winterthur           36   8  8 20  32-66  32  [P]
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10.FC Sion                 36   7 10 19  41-73  31       Relegation Playoff

Round 1
[Jul 16]
Young Boys        4-0 Zürich            
Winterthur        1-1 Basel             
[Jul 17]
Lugano            2-3 Sion              
Servette          1-0 Sankt Gallen      
[Aug 10]
Luzern            1-1 Grasshoppers      

Round 2
[Jul 23]
Zürich            0-0 Luzern            
Sankt Gallen      2-0 Winterthur        
[Jul 24]
Basel             1-1 Servette          
Sion              0-3 Young Boys        
Grasshoppers      2-1 Lugano            

Round 3
[Jul 30]
Sankt Gallen      2-0 Zürich            
Sion              0-0 Servette          
[Jul 31]
Young Boys        1-1 Grasshoppers      
Winterthur        1-4 Lugano            
[Nov 9]
Luzern            0-2 Basel             

Round 4
[Aug 6]
Servette          1-0 Winterthur        
Grasshoppers      3-2 Sankt Gallen      
[Aug 7]
Zürich            0-3 Sion              
Basel             0-0 Young Boys        
Lugano            1-2 Luzern            

Round 5
[Aug 13]
Sion              2-2 Grasshoppers      
Sankt Gallen      4-1 Luzern            
[Aug 14]
Winterthur        1-1 Zürich            
Young Boys        3-0 Servette          
Basel             0-2 Lugano            

Round 6
[Aug 27]
Luzern            2-0 Sion              
Servette          3-1 Grasshoppers      
[Aug 28]
Lugano            2-3 Sankt Gallen      
Winterthur        1-5 Young Boys        
Zürich            2-4 Basel             

Round 7
[Sep 3]
Sion              2-1 Basel             
Zürich            1-2 Lugano            
[Sep 4]
Luzern            0-2 Servette          
Sankt Gallen      2-1 Young Boys        
Grasshoppers      3-0 Winterthur        

Round 8
[Sep 10]
Sankt Gallen      1-2 Sion              
Winterthur        0-6 Luzern            
[Sep 11]
Servette          3-2 Zürich            
Young Boys        3-0 Lugano            
Basel             5-1 Grasshoppers      

Round 9
[Oct 1]
Basel             3-2 Sankt Gallen      
Grasshoppers      1-1 Zürich            
[Oct 2]
Sion              1-3 Winterthur        
Lugano            1-0 Servette          
Luzern            1-2 Young Boys        

Round 10
[Oct 8]
Grasshoppers      4-4 Sion              
Young Boys        2-1 Sankt Gallen      
[Oct 9]
Servette          1-1 Luzern            
Lugano            1-0 Basel             
Zürich            0-0 Winterthur        

Round 11
[Oct 15]
Sion              2-0 Luzern            
Winterthur        1-0 Grasshoppers      
[Oct 16]
Sankt Gallen      1-1 Lugano            
Zürich            0-0 Young Boys        
Servette          0-0 Basel             

Round 12
[Oct 18]
Winterthur        1-0 Sion              
[Oct 19]
Lugano            1-4 Young Boys        
Luzern            3-3 Sankt Gallen      
[Oct 20]
Basel             0-0 Zürich            
Grasshoppers      2-3 Servette          

Round 13
[Oct 22]
Young Boys        1-1 Sion              
Luzern            3-1 Lugano            
[Oct 23]
Basel             3-1 Winterthur        
Sankt Gallen      1-1 Servette          
Zürich            1-4 Grasshoppers      

Round 14
[Oct 29]
Grasshoppers      1-3 Luzern            
Servette          2-2 Lugano             
[Oct 30]
Sion              0-1 Zürich            
Young Boys        3-1 Basel             
Winterthur        1-0 Sankt Gallen      

Round 15
[Nov 5]
Sankt Gallen      2-1 Grasshoppers      
Luzern            1-1 Winterthur        
[Nov 6]
Servette          0-0 Young Boys        
Basel             0-0 Sion              
Lugano            2-0 Zürich            

Round 16
[Nov 12]
Sion              2-7 Sankt Gallen      
Grasshoppers      1-0 Basel             
[Nov 13]
Zürich            4-1 Servette          
Young Boys        3-0 Luzern            
Lugano            3-1 Winterthur        

Round 17
[Jan 21]
Luzern            2-2 Zürich            
Grasshoppers      1-2 Young Boys        
[Jan 22]
Sion              2-3 Lugano            
Sankt Gallen      1-1 Basel             
[Feb 15]
Winterthur        1-2 Servette          

Round 18
[Jan 28]
Lugano            1-1 Grasshoppers      
Basel             2-3 Luzern            
[Jan 29]
Young Boys        5-1 Winterthur        
Zürich            1-0 Sankt Gallen      
Servette          2-2 Sion              

Round 19
[Feb 4]		
Grasshoppers      1-0 Basel             
Sankt Gallen      3-0 Servette          
[Feb 5]
Sion              0-1 Zürich            
Luzern            1-1 Young Boys        
Winterthur        1-0 Lugano            

Round 20
[Feb 11]
Servette          2-1 Grasshoppers      
Basel             3-1 Sion              
[Feb 12]
Lugano            1-1 Luzern            
Young Boys        5-1 Sankt Gallen      
Zürich            1-1 Winterthur        

Round 21
[Feb 18]
Winterthur        1-1 Sion              
Young Boys        1-1 Lugano            
[Feb 19]
Sankt Gallen      2-2 Luzern            
Basel             2-2 Servette          
Grasshoppers      1-2 Zürich            

Round 22
[Feb 25]
Sion              0-4 Sankt Gallen      
Zürich            2-2 Young Boys        
[Feb 26]
Luzern            1-0 Grasshoppers      
Lugano            2-2 Basel             
Servette          1-1 Winterthur        

Round 23
[Mar 4]
Winterthur        1-1 Young Boys        
Luzern            0-1 Basel             
[Mar 5]
Sankt Gallen      1-1 Grasshoppers      
Sion              1-1 Lugano            
Zürich            1-1 Servette          

Round 24
[Mar 11]		
Young Boys        4-0 Sion              
Lugano            2-0 Zürich            
[Mar 12]
Servette          awd Luzern            [awarded 0-3, originally 0-1, Servette
Basel             1-1 Sankt Gallen       used ineligible player]
Grasshoppers      2-1 Winterthur        

Round 25
[Mar 18]
Zürich            2-1 Luzern            
Sion              1-2 Grasshoppers      
[Mar 19]
Winterthur        1-0 Sankt Gallen      
Young Boys        3-0 Basel             
Lugano            1-1 Servette          
Round 26
[Apr 1]
Servette          2-1 Young Boys        
Basel             2-0 Winterthur        
[Apr 2]
Grasshoppers      2-1 Lugano            
Luzern            1-2 Sion              
Sankt Gallen      2-2 Zürich            

Round 27
[Apr 8]
Zürich            1-1 Basel             
Sion              2-2 Servette          
[Apr 10]
Lugano            1-1 Sankt Gallen      
Young Boys        2-0 Grasshoppers      
Winterthur        1-2 Luzern            

Round 28
[Apr 15]
Servette          0-0 Lugano            
Luzern            4-1 Zürich            
[Apr 16]
Sankt Gallen      2-3 Winterthur        
Basel             1-1 Young Boys        
Grasshoppers      1-3 Sion              

Round 29
[Apr 22]
Winterthur        1-2 Grasshoppers      
Young Boys        6-1 Servette          
[Apr 23]
Basel             0-2 Luzern            
Lugano            2-0 Sion              
Zürich            1-0 Sankt Gallen      

Round 30
[Apr 25]
Grasshoppers      4-1 Young Boys        
[Apr 26]
Sankt Gallen      1-2 Lugano            
Servette          4-0 Zürich            
[Apr 27]
Luzern            3-1 Winterthur        
Sion              1-2 Basel             

Round 31
[Apr 29]
Lugano            5-1 Grasshoppers      
Servette          1-1 Sankt Gallen      
[Apr 30]
Zürich            2-2 Sion              
Young Boys        5-1 Luzern            
Winterthur        1-4 Basel             

Round 32
[May 6]
Sion              0-1 Winterthur        
Sankt Gallen      0-2 Young Boys        
[May 7]
Luzern            2-2 Lugano            
Basel             0-2 Zürich            
Grasshoppers      2-3 Servette          

Round 33
[May 13]
Grasshoppers      2-0 Luzern            
Servette          5-0 Sion              
[May 14]
Young Boys        1-1 Zürich            
Lugano            2-1 Winterthur        
Sankt Gallen      6-1 Basel             

Round 34
[May 20]
Winterthur        0-1 Servette          
Luzern            1-1 Sankt Gallen      
[May 21]
Sion              0-2 Young Boys        
Basel             1-1 Lugano            
Zürich            2-1 Grasshoppers      

Round 35 [May 25]
Lugano            2-0 Young Boys        
Sion              1-2 Luzern            
Winterthur        0-2 Zürich            
Grasshoppers      2-2 Sankt Gallen      
Servette          3-3 Basel             

Round 36 [May 29]
Young Boys        2-1 Winterthur        
Basel             3-1 Grasshoppers      
Luzern            0-1 Servette          
Sankt Gallen      4-0 Sion              
Zürich            2-3 Lugano            

Final Table:

 1.BSC Young Boys Bern     36  21 11  4  82-30  74       Champions
 2.Servette FC (Genève)    36  14 16  6  53-48  58
 3.FC Lugano               36  15 12  9  59-47  57
 4.FC Luzern               36  13 11 12  56-52  50
 5.FC Basel                36  11 14 11  51-50  47
 6.FC Sankt Gallen         36  11 12 13  66-52  45
 7.Grasshopper-Club Zürich 36  12  8 16  56-64  44
 8.FC Zürich               36  10 14 12  41-55  44  [C]
 9.FC Winterthur           36   8  8 20  32-66  32  [P]
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10.FC Sion                 36   7 10 19  41-73  31       Relegation Playoff

Promotion/Relegation Playoff

First Leg [Jun 3]
Sion              0-2 Lausanne-Ouchy    

Second Leg [Jun 6]
Lausanne-Ouchy    4-2 Sion              

NB: FC Stade Lausanne-Ouchy promoted, FC Sion relegated

Challenge League

Final Table:

 1.Yverdon Sport FC        36  20  6 10  64-53  66       Promoted
 2.FC Lausanne-Sport       36  17 10  9  58-43  61  [R]  Promoted
 3.FC Stade Lausanne-Ouchy 36  17  9 10  70-53  60       Promotion Playoff
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 4.FC Aarau                36  15 12  9  63-57  57  
 5.FC Wil 1900             36  16  8 12  62-52  56
 6.FC Thun                 36  12 13 11  62-55  49
 7.FC Schaffhausen         36  12  8 16  51-59  44
 8.FC Vaduz                36   7 16 13  54-56  37
 9.AC Bellinzona           36  11  4 21  38-71  37  [P]
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
10.Neuchâtel Xamax FCS     36   4 12 20  42-65  24       Relegation Playoff

Promotion/Relegation Playoff 2nd/3rd level

First Leg [May 31]
Rapperswil-Jona   1-3 Xamax             

Second Leg [Jun 3]
Xamax             3-0 Rapperswil-Jona   

NB: both remain at former level

Promotion League

Final Table:

 1.FC Luzern II            32  24  2  6  95-53  74  [P]
 2.FC Stade Nyonnais       32  21  3  8  83-45  66       Promoted
 3.FC Baden 1897           32  18  4 10  61-48  58  [P]  Promoted
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 4.SC Cham                 32  17  3 12  60-47  54  [*]
 5.FC Rapperswil-Jona 1928 32  17  3 12  59-54  54       Promotion Playoff
 6.Etoile Carouge FC       32  15  7 10  63-38  52
 7.SC Brühl                32  14 10  8  59-45  52
 8.FC Breitenrain          32  15  6 11  57-57  51
 9.FC Basel 1893 II        32  12  8 12  53-57  44
10.SC Kriens               32  13  4 15  53-58  43  [R]
11.BSC Young Boys Bern II  32  11  6 15  64-67  39
12.FC Zürich II            32  11  5 16  53-56  38
13.FC Bulle                32  11  4 17  49-57  37  [P]
14.FC Bavois               32  10  7 15  45-65  37
15.FC Sankt Gallen II      32   9  5 18  57-86  32  [P]
16.FC Biel-Bienne          32   6  8 18  32-60  26
17.SC YF Juventus          32   4  3 25  27-77  15       Relegated
 -.FC Chiasso              withdrew

[*] ineligible for promotion as they did not apply for license

NB: reserve sides ineligible for promotion

Promoted: FC Paradiso, SR Delémont, FC Lugano II, Servette FC II



list of champions.

list of final tables 1898-1930.

list of final tables since 1930.

all-time table.

list of cup finals.

list of league cup finals.

list of super cup finals.

list of topscorers.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 26 May 2024

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2022/24
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.